Postponing or Cancelling the interview


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Due to a personal reason, one of us (me or my wife) have to retain Indian passport for next 18 months. Our interview is on Jun 29.
If one of us gets stuck in name check, then it would be ideal for us as it takes 1-2 years to get sorted out.

1. Can we attend the interview and one of us can delay taking oath for 1-2 years?
2. What is the procedure for postponing the interview? (The FP notice had section for it, but could not see one on the interview notice)
3. What is the procedure for withdrawing the application? Any impact on that when we apply next time? What should be the right way to handle this?

pmg said:
I think you can still keep your India passport after getting naturalized.
Yeah but it will be a dead and invalid passport. I am not sure if that is what the OP meant.

The world is really full of diversity :)

Lot of people here including me are stuck in Namecheck process which we DON"t want.

But it seems like you for some personal reason would like to have namecheck process stuck in case to buy yourself 18 months time :) ha ha :)

Well let me make a proposal to you. I don't want Namecheck process delay ( My interview done & pending namecheck causes no decision ). you wanted a guranteed namecheck to buy 18 months time for oath.

So let's swap our "Namecheck Karma". I am proposing you to take my "Namecheck Pending Karma" to you and in exchange you can give me "your potentaillly Namecheck clear Karma".
Just say ACCEPT you proposal and we are set :)

Hopefully we will be both be happy for what we get :)
Humbledbychk said:
Lot of people here including me are stuck in Namecheck process which we DON"t want.
I Know dude. What can I tell you? I say yes to your proposal.

1. Coming back to #1, can some one please relate experience regarding postponing or withdrawing the application?
I do not have any personal experince with this but from what I read you can withdraw your application by writing to USCIS and/or do not show up at the interview. Your application will get dropped.

not sure if you can postpone the oath.
dude first of all i know u r getting a couple of khokhas back home.....
anyways,if u want to go to the interview and have the process delayed best thing would be to start swearing at the io the very moment you get to meet him/her....

sorry....i would suggest that you give them advance notice ,get a infopass go to the d.o and give them in writing that you want to withdraw the application.

dont skip an interview,not a lot of ppl have done that so no one knows what could be the penalties especially when ur wife is attending on the same day and you choose not to.i hope u understand what i am trying to say.
Yes, we did look into OCI and PIO, unfortunately would not work in out case. :(

Infopass was a good idea, unfortunately all the dates available are after my interview date. What a bummer.

Our plan now is to send a postponement letter for my spouse to the INS office, and if I get through without getting stuck in name check, then we would withdraw the application for my spouse. If something goes wrong, then my wife would get the second notice and she would go for the citizenship interview.

Let us know what you think, and what reason should we mention in the letter. Just tell the truth and hope they wont object when we apply the next time for my wife?
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VS007 said:
Yes, we did look into OCI and PIO, unfortunately would not work in out case. :(

Infopass was a good idea, unfortunately all the dates available are after my interview date. What a bummer.

Our plan now is to send a postponement letter for my spouse to the INS office, and if I get through without getting stuck in name check, then we would withdraw the application for my spouse. If something goes wrong, then my wife would get the second notice and she would go for the citizenship interview.

Let us know what you think, and what reason should we mention in the letter. Just tell the truth and hope they wont object when we apply the next time for my wife?

hey,i was trying to send u a pm,but u have probably chosen not to recieve pm's....i do have a desi option for u...hit me back...
btw it is about passport...

Thanks to everybody who responded.

Today being my D-Date, wanted to give a quick update.

It went fine and now I am a US citizen!!! Never thought I would become a US citizen when I landed in JFK some twelve years back on job contract. I thought this would just be an interview, few signatures and get out. But you do feel something warm and fuzzy in your heart. Its a good feeling.

Now the details:
1. My appt was at 8AM in Newark,NJ. Reached there by 7:50 and there was a long line for security. My wife dropped me. There is a parking spot right across the building. You could also come to Newark Penn Station and take a short cab ride if you dont want to park or not to worry about traffic.
2. You go to 15th floor, handover the interview notice and wait for your name being called.
3. At 8:45 my name was called. The interviewer was asked mt sit down with my hands on chair arms and bag on chair which I did not understand and he asked me to listen carefully and then asked me to sit down on other chair.
4. Went over my application asking my name, personal details, marriage etc from the N-400. Its a good idea to review it before you go for interview.
5. When he asked me to sign somewhere, I mentioned I wanted to change my name and he refused telling its too late now. I once again requested and he refused. He was black, short and bald guy and had a slight attitude, but it did not bother me much as I didn't care much/
5. He asked me questions from the 96 questions
A. Whats the constitution?
B. Who elects Congress?
C. How many terms a President is elected?
D. How many stripes on the flag?
E. Whats the Supreme law of the land called as?
6. Asked to write a line in English and then he gave me the oath notice for 11:30AM.
7. Didnt ask anything about my speeding tickets even though he saw it on the form and mentioned it, nor he asked whether I travelled since I filed N400.
8. Went out for a long walk. There's a Dunkin Donuts 2 blocks away, and got a newspaper.
9. Came back by 11AM and then a long wait starts as they call one by one for you to check and sign the Naturalization Certificate and take away your GC.
10. At 1:30PM they took us to another room, showed a Video and then Oath was administered, and a Video from President Bush and then handover the certificate.
VS007 - congratulations on becoming a citizen! Quick question - I know you were trying to postpone your wife's interview. Were you able to do that? What is the process to postpone the interview? I might be in the same situation and might need to postpone the interview. If you could share your experience, I would appreciate it.
