Post Updates for Sept/Oct/Nov 2000 Complicated I-140 CP Cases

Here are my details

RD 10/13/00
ND 11/06/00
FP 3/2?/00
RFE recvd 12/12/00
AVM Ack Resp. Rcvd 1/09/02

Still waiting..........

RD:Aug2000 ND:Sep2000 FP:Feb2001
EB2RIR, India, no RFE.
I-140 from CSC.
Have either of you contacted congreesman/senator

If so share the response/exp?

I am working thru a senator\'s office with not much success.
Nope, I have not yet contacted

Congressman/Senator, but seriously thinking about it.

Could you pls. share your experience and also indicate which state you are in.

I am in MN.

Thank you
Here goes another thread....and...the answer is....

My I140 approved for CP and tehc case was sent to Chennai, India
way back in Year 2000 June.
I filed AOS(I485)..RD 12/19/00 and FP 04/01 ...and waiting...
I know my FP is valid only for another 3 Months.
I am hoping to get approval before that.
I can not imagine the delay, if FPs
expired and second FP and waiting...all that....
Senator exp.

I am in MN also.

I contacted Paul Wellstones office. The office has a couple of people handling immigration issues. They took my details and have exchanged emails a few times. Not much help. As per them, my case doesn\'t fall in normal category coz of I-140 for CP. Hence, the published times from NSC don\'t apply.

Still waiting.....
gcbound00 can you pls. give some more info

Hey gcbound00 can you pls. tell me who I should get in touch with on senator Wellstones staff to get the ball rolling for my case. Emails, ph. #s and names would be great. I would really appreciate your help in this matter.

You can either post it here or send me an email at

Also, lets keep in touch about the progess in our cases.

Take care and Good Luck
NSC RD=ND=09/00. Still waiting...

NO RFE, Not CP approved case. I don\'t know what the problem is.
Have not yet contacted a senator/congressman.

Those of you who contacted a senator/congressman, do you think it is better to have the company to do it, or a personal contact is OK?
I contacted local congressman\'s and they helped me a lot. my case was approved after that

Can you pls. share if they did something specific

to expedite your case that one of us could tell our congressional contact. Also, what state you are in.

Thanks for sharing
Senator exp.

Call (651) 645 0323 and ask for an immigration counsellor. Take an appointment and if possible personally meet and explain your case. Take all your documentation(I-140,I-485 etc). Build a rapport and try to communicate on a regular basis (once a week or 10 days) to keep your case in their visibility.

Good Luck.