Post it here if your RD/ND is beyond current JIT dates and haven't got approved yet

me, too.

RD Feb. 27 2002
ND Mar. 6 2002
1st FP Dec. 2002
No change since then.

You guys are lucky as you already have 2nd FP.
My first one expired and repeated requests through Congressman/
Senators/attorney have yet resulted in anything.
Hi All, Just Hold on!

I know you feel frustrated. JUST DON'T LET IT RULE YOUR LIFE. Stay optimistic and things will be less bothering you.

If the world was perfect, then yes what is being done is not fair. However, please keep your chin up and continue to email/fax to request.

Let us do our best at anything we do.

I am as eager as most of you are to get our GC.
Myself and my spouse are Oct 2002 filers and awaiting for 2nd FP.

Me Too

1st FP only...nothing after that...

even sent a fax - last week...

btw, r u supposed to fax enquiry 30 days JIT chgs past ur RD or is it after JIT goes 30 days past ur RD?

Note its RD not ND...
me toooo

wac 02 133 xxxxx
RD - 03/08/02
ND - 03/12/02
2nd FP - Jan 2004
LUD - 05/04/04 - - Not updated since then..
applying for 3rd EAD.
ND > Mar'06-2002
RD > Mar'12-2002
2nd FP > Jan'14-2004
3rd EAD Applied
LUD - 05/04/04 ==> No change after that!! :( :mad:
RD jan 18th nD jan 23rd

My case was filed in January Rd : jan 18th ND jan 23rd. It has been more than month since I responded to my RFP. No approval yet. I have to apply for EAD renewal today as my EAD is expiring on August 11th,04