Possible RFE, ND 08/06, WAC-250


Registered Users (C)
Talked to CSC office through a local congressman\'s office and found out that,
1. This Case has a RFE
2. Stilling sitting on the Supervisor\'s desk.

My understanding is that CSC approved many cases from 1st thru 3rd week of May RD\'s at faster. Around May last week and
june beginning RD\'s on are getting stamped RFE to just to show that CSC is heavily scruitninzing applications, which actually not.
Just to show their investigation numbers, bothering the innoncents!. Hope the Greencard game will over soon!!

I notice that your fp location is North Carolina

Have you changed your employer ?

Maybe the reason of rfe is employer letter and pay stubs
because of your fp location

Hope you can supply the same

Your lawyer should get rfe within 1 week of the message on AVM

Hope this helps
Additional details to rsrgc and What\'s most common RFEs from CSC?

Thanks for your response and words, rsrgc.

I haven\'t changed my employer and continue to work for a california based top technology employer, but located in Carolina.

I didn\'t submit " Birth certificate non availablity" certificate since I couldn\'t able to get one, the Indian village local authority clearly communicated that they never ever issued such a certficate and issuing such a certificate could be a violation. Per my attorney office usabal, they never received "Birth certficate non availability" RFEs, but generally W2, paystubs.

Wondering, what\'s the most common RFE\'s from CSC? there is a lot of talk about pay-stub and W2??

thanks and regards

Unfortunately, some folks have recently got RFE\'s asking them to provide a non-availability of birt certificate document. Their situation seems to be that they provided affidavits of birth as required but not the non-availability certificate. Is there an authority higher than your village authority whom you can approach. I would suggest you start making enquiries now while you are waiting for your RFE. If your RFE does not ask for the non-availability certificate you can abort your efforts towards procuring one. On the other hand if they indeed need one you would have gotten a head start.

How did you get or who gave you the info that late May and Early June applicants are being issued RFE\'s. That may explain why early June folks are still waiting while many July RD folks are getting approval. Please let us know.
Dee Rod

You will notice that many june cases on PCee\'s list have wac numbers between 260-270 and also many july cases have wac numbers between 260 and 270

I think this supports the theory that CSC is going by notice date which is the same as WAC number

what do you think
replies to rsrgc and dee Rod

If "non availaibilty" certificate is required, then it has to be done at any...

Applicants who mailed 485 from May last week to early june have WAC-240 to WAC-25x.

Noticed a trend that May RD\'s till around WAC-240, saw many approvals within a short time. Then, Seeing approvals of WAC-260 and
thereafter. What happended those WAC-24x to WAC-25x. Not heard about these WAC#s last 2 weeks, but keep hearing about WAC 260 and beyond approvals. Are WAC-24x to WAC-25x cornerd to show up CSC investiagtion numbers. Just a guess. RFE\'s for 2 photographs. This clearly questions RFE\'s bottomline.

Thanks for your comments folks!!
Is your RFE for 2 photographs? Why would that...

question RFE\'s bottomline. I don\'t understand? Please clarify what you mean.
mystical ways of INS

my 485 was approved on feb 19 (wac 01-250-xxx RD may 30 \'01 and ND aug 06 \'01)
but my wife got an RFE. The avm said that rfe was mailed on feb 27 \'02. Have\'nt recieved the rfe yet . So I just checked the
avm again today and it says they recieved the rfe response on march 06 \'02 and
blah.. blah.. and they will mail the decision. I have\'nt contacted my attorney yet
but i am sure he has\'nt recieved the RFE letter itself. so any clue
whats happening. could be an AVM Glitch ???
Any insights into this is helpful
thanks a lot
Check with Lawyer

Well, I will say Check with your lawyer. Since the RFE comes to the lawyer directly, it is possible that the lawyer has the papers requested by INS and has already sent them. ON the other hand...we all know that there is no consistency in anything when it comes to INS. You can also call and check with IIO.
Dee Rod

I have seen on this board someone got RFE for photograps. I am still waiting to know the reason. I meant the some of the reasonings for RFE is questionable. There is no-basis. INS guidllines can percecived two differnt ways by two different officers.