Port of Entry made tight.


New Member
My mom visited US, San Francisco in April 2010 and we are planning a trip for her in April 2011. When she came in April 2010, the officer at immigration took her to the office and asked about why she is visiting. We had a medical reason at that time but he told her to not come to US again till 2012. He did not write that anywhere on the Passport or I-94. I am not sure if they note down in their computer.

I heard they sent back somebody right from the airport and gave another couple only 1 month to stay.

Do you think it will be a problem if she comes in April 2011 ?
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What is the pattern of her travel to US as a visitor? Did she overstay or extend stay on her previous visit?
She visited us in 2009 and stayed till December. She always said her purpose of visit was sight seeing and got 6 months. But she never stayed for more than 3 months at a time. This time when she came, she said she was coming for grand daughter's surgery and they gave her only 3 months.

I am thinking, it might be ok if she says she is coming for sight seeing, as long as it is not noted about 2012 anywhere. It is still a risk though.