poll question

Thankful and Windywd.
Seems like these 2 know alot about immigration laws. But i also want to add
that even the members that do not have alot of knowledge about immigration laws, are very helpul too, (i know that your question didnt imply in anyway to say that the others are not helpfull, i just feel that i have to take this time and thank all the members ;))because every time they post their own experience they are helping alot of people!
Thank you to all that take time during your day to post your personal experience, tell us about new laws, and answers questions of others!
i like themen, he seems to be more knowledgeable, trustworthy and pretty straightforward, and i like his intellectual sound.
Response to the poll

Short answer is Thankful and WantmyGC. My reason for choosing them is because most times the give you the actual law that you can check for yourself rather than just an opinion on the law.
I vote for thankful and themen.

Both of them are very good. For themen, I think his last night's post was, hm...., discouraging. But, I guess once a while everybody will have a day that he is not in a great mood. Just do not use any negative words, dude. We need your input.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
I have been a silent member for many immigration forum, I think Themen and Thankful are really the best in this forum. I like both of them the same way.
I am not a very "active member", but I read a lot of the post in this web site, and I do really trust in Thankful.
I would love to have an attorney like him... (I am not sure if is not an attorney... but he should be)... The asylum community needs people like him...
Immigration help

I have a question, this year I was ordered to be deported by the immigration judge after missed a court date after my master hearing due to health problems. I filled for asylum last month and I went for my finger printing towards end of FEB. My question id for those who are or were in my similar situation
1)how many court dates will I have to go to at the immigration court for asylum?
2)How long does it take before the immigration sends me a court date?
3) What happens at the court, does the prosecutor drill all the information like in doing all the talking or is it the judge

I will be glad to get this questions answered thanks in advance