Police Clearence Certificate question... Gurus please help!


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I have an interview in Chennai on 23 Jan 2002. I stayed only in India and US does Chennai asking for PCC. I heard in this forum that from Jan2002 Chennai is also asking for PCC is it true? gurus please advice..
I haven\'t seen any posting so far mentioning Chennai is also requesting PCC. Where did you read it?

14/14 enquiries regarding PCC @ Chennai said "NO" to PCC.

We got 14 conformations (11 e-mails; 3 phone calls) from Chennai Consulate saying NO to PCC if are from US and Lived only in US/India.
Superman, Chennai asks for PCC in Packet 4

I asked Chennai over phone whether they need PCC for those who lived only in India and US, they said NO. The lady was very clear.
I also emailed them about this and other things. She did not respond to the PCC question.

But in the Packet 4 we recieved, it asks for Police Certificate(s). Now i am very confused. Those who recieved Packet 4, please confirm whether Chennai asked you guys to get Police Certificate(s).
My P-4 appointment letter says PCC required too. But not listed in the required documents list.

P-4 is common for all CPers including Family based who are in India. My understanding is that This is specifically targetted for those people. That is why Chennai is keeping on saying No to us. I would not worry about that too much. If you can just get it either from your consulate or from India. Otherwise Relax.
Check out www.imminfo.com

Effective January 1st, all immigrant visa applicants interviewed after that date must produce two documents: an Indian police clearance and a clearance from their regional passport office. We are in the process of finding out if they will accept a single clearance issued by an Indian consular office in the U.S.

Ron Gotcher
Gotcher, Richmond & Associates, LLP
Attorneys at Law
15300 Ventura Boulevard., Suite 507
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
PCC not required

Just got an email from Chennai Consulate confirming that PCC is not required.
It is not required NOW, but after January 2, 2002 it will be

That appears to be the reason for the confusion. You can see the contents of the December 14, 2001 Memo from the Consulate General in India at: http://www.usvisanews.com/memo1546.html.

I tend to think that the local consulates will comply with the dictates of the Consulate General. I\'d plan to provide PCCs and be happy if they do not turn out to be necessary since you\'re going to have serious problems if you don\'t have them and they are necessary.

Which Local Police Station

Hi Guys,
1. Which local Police station do they want us to get a PCC from
Is it local - Indian Police Station
Local police station in the US.


2. Is it sufficient if I get PCC from Indian Consulate in US.
