Police Clearance Format


Registered Users (C)
Does anyone have the format for the Police Clearance (not from Passport office), the police station people do not seem to know what to do. I would appreciate it if someone could let me know.
My assumption it can't be different than what you get from the Indian consulate, so go ahead and give the same and get it typed on police letter head.

Does anyone have the format for the Police Clearance (not from Passport office), the police station people do not seem to know what to do. I would appreciate it if someone could let me know.

Which city are you from?Each city police commisioner office has its own format/proceedure
For local Police clearance there are no set things to write. But you can take some hint from the US embassy and consulate websites.

In general an exhaustive PCC should include:

Name (also maiden name in case of woman);
Father/Mother's name:
Place of birth:
Passport number:
Place of issue of passport:
Duration of stay:
Purpose of getting PCC:

Based on this information you can formualte your own wording and get it typed in multilpe copies (they would keep a few copies for their record) before submitting these for the signature.
