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Police Certificate from India


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I am a Bangladeshi national living in Bangladesh. I got NL for DV2008. I studied my BSc. in Bangalore, India from 1995 to 1998. Is it required to get Police certificate from India? If so please suggest me how can I get the certificate from Bangalore police?
Information on Indian police report [From reciprocity table for country India] is following. As a foreigner you cannot apply from outside of india. It seems you have 2 options 1) you will go to Bangolore to get it 2) or you will find the consultant company or friend, they will apply and get it. If any person here on this forum from India can give you concrete advise. Good luck..

http://travel.state.gov/visa/reciprocity/Country Folder/I/India.htm

Indian Police Clearance Certificates should be obtained as follows:

All Indian IV applicants aged 16 and above, residing in India, should obtain police certificates from the local Passport Office. These are usually more dependable than those obtained at a local level and indicate that the subject had no serious criminal convictions on record at the time of passport issuance. Applicants whose Indian passport was issued within the past six months may present just the Passport Office Police Certificate, and need not obtain additional police clearances.

Applicants over age 16, whose passports were issued more than six months previous to visa application, must also obtain a police clearance from the District Police Office serving the applicant's place of residence.

Indian passport holders applying for visas outside India should obtain a statement from their local embassy or consulate confirming they have no criminal record.

Non-Indian IV applicants residing in India should obtain police certificates from the District Police Station serving their area of residence.

Indian police certificates are not available for foreign (non-Indian) applicants applying outside India.
Zahid, I'm facing the same situation as you. I'm a Sri Lankan national living in Sri Lanka and I've stayed in Bangalore from 1995 to 2000. Glad to meet someone else who is in the same boat, at least in this respect! Hope we can keep each other informed about how this issue gets resolved :)

I’ve asked this question before, check it out here.
There is an interesting reply to the question I asked.

It will definitely not be possible to get a police clearance certificate through the High commission. They give police clearance only for Indian nationals.
Also it isn’t clear whether it is even possible to get a police clearance for a foreigner who is not currently resident in India. The reciprocity schedule says –
Indian police certificates are not available for foreign (non-Indian) applicants applying outside India.
(But there is some ambiguity there! I really can’t work out whether this sentence means that a Non Indian residing outside India cannot get a police certificate or that such a person should go to India to get one. I mean I can’t work out whether the emphasis is on the words “not available” or on the words “applying outside India”.)

I guess the only way to find out for sure whether or not it is possible for us to get an Indian police clearance is to actually make a trip to Bangalore and try to get a police clearance certificate through the usual channels that a foreigner living there would go through.

If by any chance it turns out that it is not possible to get a police clearance from India, then there is no need to worry about that. If it is not possible to get one due to there being no procedure for obtaining a police clearance, then it is considered not necessary and will not be demanded by the embassy during consular processing.

As the first step towards resolving this, you can make an inquiry from the US embassy in Bangladesh and ask them whether a police clearance certificate from India is necessary for consular processing. If you do so then please post here what they tell you. I also intend to contact the US embassy in Sri Lanka and inquire about this sometime next month.
Dear Mihir,
Thanks for your contact. I contacted Indian High Commission, Bangladesh for the certificate. They suggested me to apply for the certificate in the High commission, Bangladesh and this will take time about 3/4 months. I applied on 12-Jun-2007 and it is in pending status. Finally I decided to go to Bangalore on 12-Aug-2007. I did not attain in the Convocotion program of Bangalore University yet now. So I did not get the original Degree certificate from the university. I am going to Bangalore for this reason also.

Can you tell me how can I get my Degree certificate from Bangalore University without attending in the next Convocation program.
Dear Zahid,

Hey thanks for the info! I'm truly surprised that the Indian High Commission in Bangladesh has asked you to apply for the police clearance through them!
Guess I should try that approach too and contact the Indian High Commission in Sri Lanka then!

If they said it'll come through within 3 to 4 months then you shouldn't have much to worry about. In any case it would not be a good thing to receive it "too soon". This is because the police clearance certificate should not be older than 6 months at the time the visa is being issued. (As far as I know)
But that depends on what your number is and how soon you are likely to have the interview.

They may not be that strict about the 6-month rule though, specially given that we are no longer resident in India. But still it's something to think about!

The whole thing is so confusing sometimes! I mean we shouldn't be too late to apply for a police clearance because it may take some time and we have to somehow have it before september and preferably at the time of the consular interview, on the other hand we shouldn't apply too early because the police clearance shouldn't become "dated" by the time the visa is being issued. (if it is issued that is!)

If you are going to Bangalore, then I would LOVE to hear from you whether or not it is possible to get a police clearance from there! Please come back and post on how things turn out! :)

Yup you should definitely try to get your degree soon. It will be a very BIG advantage at the consular interview and will make it much more likely that the consular officer issues you an immigrant visa. Good thing you are going there now, because these things can get ages to get done in the university of Bangalore! I'm afraid I don't know the procedure for obtaining the degree certificates though!
Dear Mihir,
I will inform you if I would get the certificate. Pray for me so that I can get everything there easy.
You will need the Police Cert from India

I am a Bangladeshi national living in Bangladesh. I got NL for DV2008. I studied my BSc. in Bangalore, India from 1995 to 1998. Is it required to get Police certificate from India? If so please suggest me how can I get the certificate from Bangalore police?

- You will need the Police Cert from India. You should contact Indian High Commission in Bangladesh for that.
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How to get Police Clearence Certificate from Bangalore, India:
1. Apply to Home ministry in Bidhana Souda ( Room 224)
2. Home ministry will issue a letter to FRO office
3. FRO will issue a letter to the Local Police Station.
4. Local Police Station will verify and issue a report to the FRO office.
5. FRO will submit the report to the Commissioner of Police
6. The police commissioner will issue a letter to the Inspector General of Police
7. The IGP will issue a letter to the secratery of the Home ministry in bidhana shouda.
8. The secratery will check and sign all the docs and order his office to issue the certificate.
9. Finally the office issue the certificate.

I have followed all the steps and got the certificate. It is really a tough job.
Thanks a LOT!

I have followed all the steps and got the certificate. It is really a tough job.

Dear Zahid,

Firstly sorry for the delayed reply! I had been studying for some exams and was totally disoriented. But now I am O.K. :)
Thanks a LOT for the information! Glad there is at least some procedure for foreigners who previously lived in India to obtain a police clearance certificate.
Though the job was tough, it’s great that you were able to get it within one week. (How you were able to get all this done within a week is beyone me though!)
I guess this means that I may have to plan a trip to Bangalore.
I will first try to see whether it is possible to get it through the high commission though.

Hope you were able to make progress on getting the original degree certificate.

Best of luck!
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Dear Mihiranga,

If you go thru Indian High commission then it will take time more than 3/4 months. I think it is better to get it from Bangalore. I am giving you some reference for your conveinence.

In the Vidana souda (Room no 224) contact Mr. Watson (you have to pay Rs.1500 to him in 3 installments)

In the FRO contact Mr. Malesh (you have to pay Rs.1000 to him)

In the IGP Office contact Mr. Girish (you have to pay Rs.250 to him)

In the Local Thana contact directly to Inspector (in-charge). You may have to pay Rs.1000 to the assigned officer. Do'nt offer to the incharge.
Dear Mihiranga,

If you go thru Indian High commission then it will take time more than 3/4 months. I think it is better to get it from Bangalore. I am giving you some reference for your conveinence.

Dear Zahid,

Thanks a lot for all the info! I am extremely greatful for the help you've given me! This is one thing that had worried me since it is impossible to get information on what needs to be done and I had no clue. Now at least I have an idea of what needs to be done.

The thing is in my case, my interview will most likely be around March or April of 2008. So even if it does take 3 or 4 months, or even a bit longer to get the police clearance through the High Commission it will not be a problem. So I think what I will do is apply for a police clearance through the High commission in September and then if it doesn't come through by next February, I will go to Bangalore to get the police clearance.
I do know that in a way it is better to get the police clearance certificate as soon as possible and get this over with. But it is a significant expense for me, specially considering that there is no guarantee of me getting a visa anyway, so I think I'll take a chance with the High Commission first.

And I have to say yet again that I am extremely grateful for the information you've given. If I do plan a trip to Bangalore, then I can confidently plan a trip knowing that it is in fact possible to get it done in Bangalore. (Which is something that I had doubted earlier!)
Dear Mihiranga,

As you have enough time it is better to go through High Commission of India. One more thing for your information, The High Commission of India has auyhority to issue the police clearence certificate. So if you can manage the consuler in your country, he may issue the certificate without informing Bangalore. One of my friend got his clearence from Bangladesh within a month like this way.
Police clearence from Assam India

Anybody can help me how to get police clerence from Assam, India?
We are expecting CP date arround November this year. But we want to make sure everyting is ready before CP.
My wife used to study in Jorhat Medical college, Jorhat Assam between 1996 to 2002. She is from Nepal, live in Nepal and I am also from Nepal. Now, question is how can she obtain her police clearence from India? Does she have to travel there? or anyone can help to get it? or she can get it from Indian embassy at Kathmandu? your inputs will be highly appreciate.

thank you