Pls help, question of AP


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I got 3 copies of the original AP approvals (with photo) from INS and my lawyer told me I should keep all of these by myself.

But when I entered US by using them at Detroit last week, the INS officer persisted in keeping one copy with herself and gave me other two copies, one of them got a stamp. Is this right? Who was wrong, my lawyer or INS? could this affect my next travel?

Thanks in advance,
Just had a question:

When you use your AP to enter USA, do they give you a new I-94?

Thanks a lot.
Thanks jaxen. But what do you mean the new stamped AP? The INS will mail me later automatically or I need to reapply?

Here's the answer for muntasir:
Yes, I got a new I-94.
What Jaxen mean is that:

You just need to keep the one with stamp from Immigration officer at Detroit. When you go outside USA again, make a copy of this one and keep the original one. ALways provide the photocopy to immigration/airline when asked.

Thanks for your reply.