Sorry to hear this...
I have just looked at my latest 2nd FP notice, it clearly says that if the FP is not done on time and not rescheduled either then it is considered that the underlying petition is abondoned.
It has been more than 3 months already sice your 2nd FP was scheduled. I am not sure how you can manage this but don't give up try hard.
My online status for 2nd FP sent to me was never updated but once I did the 2nd FP status was updated to FP results received within just couple of days.
Please don't rely on any ONE of the following...
1) Online status - highly unreliable
2) Email notification - never received one even if opted for email in portfolio
3) Attorney's office - always invoice comes faster than my notices
4) Postal mail - your mail may be making rounds in your old address
You need to keep checking ALL the above.
Finally, don't even rely on yourself. Have some one handy like your wife/husband/friend to remind you of your daily chores related to BCIS since you lose focus once you are exposed to the ways of BCIS