Pls Confirm if this is ok


Registered Users (C)
HI , i tried sending an email trying to followup on my case. ( trying to achieve something beyond impossible ) . However my mail bounced back with the following message

The following addresses had delivery problems -----
because: Address is unrecognized

Did i send it to a wrong ID? or is there any other reason. Tried on Friday and again today and got the same response. Pls let me know.
Same happened when I tried helping enqiring on my coworker's case a month ago.
The Web Site says if you get a delivery failure on Section XII, to fax the email (without cover letter).

I did this a couple of weeks ago (it successfully got through to them, but of course no response back yet !).

WAC 02 059
thanks Londoner. I have sent and has not bounced back as of now. :) Hope i get some positive response. Thx again.
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A message was received at 20 Feb 2004 15:43:06 +0000.

The following addresses had delivery problems:
Persistent Transient Failure: Delivery time expired
Delivery last attempted at 20 Feb 2004 15:43:06 +0000

This did not work either :-(