Please write/meet your senator/congressman


Registered Users (C)
Heres an insight provided at "". It reflects, to an extent, what PissedOff140 has been saying in his own characteristic style. Apart from Mr. Khanna writing to VSC, we all can send out mails/emails/ contact our local/state representatives and exhort them to help. Help could be asked in the form of:

1. Voicing concern in the Congress about the plight of prospective immigrants.
2. Providing additional funding to INS (or whatever its called now) and making it more accountable.
3. Offering additional fees from the petitioner - which is essentially self help. What that means is we are willing to share a part of financial burden in return of expeditious adjudications.

The long waiting times with effectively no new approvals (a trickle of approvals means nothing) calls for action. The action has to be thru Voices that matter ie local representatives. But, just asking them to help would not work. We have to mention points listed above and more. And be willing to dole out additional money if need be. Folks, I am sure if we all write individually, it could be start of a movement. The local offices will notice. I for one is getting in touch. The next to get in touch will make them sit back and notice. The third will call for action. The text from Murthy follows:
1. Murthy Takes Action : Seeking Funding for TSC

Over the past year, we have seen a number of questions on the MurthyForum and in sessions of the MurthyChat concerning the Texas Service Center's (TSC) slow processing times for employment-based I-485 applications. The TSC has repeatedly informed AILA that the reason for the delays is simply that they have a limited number of people to process all cases and do not have funds to hire sufficient adjudicators to complete the employment-based I-485 processing more quickly.

The Service Centers are assigned resources for the purpose of hiring more staff based on the amount of funding Congress previously allocated to INS and now gives to the DHS for immigration services. In the past, money has not been earmarked specifically for immigration services and a large portion of the funding went to immigration enforcement. Now that the BCIS has no enforcement functions, it is time that the immigration services receive its own, targeted piece of the funding pie.

We at The Law Office of Sheela Murthy, P.C. realized that asking for faster processing times at the Texas Service Center would never be effective if we did not address the root of the problem – namely, inadequate funding for immigration services. Therefore, we have gone to the source. Last week, we sent letters to the 150 Congressional members who represent the states within the TSC's jurisdiction to request that they provide more funding to immigration related services. In these letters we have cited the employment-based I-485 processing as an area that desperately needs improvement.

It is our hope that the members of Congress who receive our letter now will be aware of this problem with immigration services funding and will sponsor legislation to put more money in the hands of the TSC for these cases to be adjudicated within a reasonable timeframe. We have expressed our willingness to work with any Congressional member who is interested in this issue.

It is imperative in this country to make our voices heard and, thus, contribute to the improvement of immigration services. Once again, we encourage each of you, also, to take the time to learn who your Congressional members are and let them know what issues are important to you. Information on Congressional members and their constituencies is available through the House and Senate websites. You need not write to 150 Congressional members to make a difference. You may just need to contact one or two of your Senators or House members to influence U.S. immigration policy. Your eMails and letters do make a difference. At the end of each week, letters from constituents are counted and taken into account when sponsoring legislation or voting for a particular Bill to become the law. Be a part of democracy at work and let your voice be heard, loud and clear!
a thought!


I looked at your above points. I am kindda interested with points 2 and 3. It seems to me that you are suggesting that the INS should expediate the immigration process if there is additional funds. Is that legally accepted? Well, hopefully, they will make it as law, just like H1 premium. Will that actually be beneficial? I understand funding will surely expediate our immigration process. However, the funniest part is that it's not like there is backlog or anything, but there are just some cases that are out from the queue (like pending I140 for over 300 days or a year) without any RFE. But, there are some cases that are being approved lately in less than 6 months, even got RFE or maybe filed concurrently. Basically, even there is a premium of payment or funding, those funding just might not go to the need ones.

Who should justify this "unfairness"?
Not even a lawyer can help, but just to help based on each of his/her own client's cases.
Senators/Congressman, they might call up and INS give them their own defense of the delayed case.
Forget my style, why dont u just wake up

For once, ignore my style of messages, look at its content
and maybe, just , for once, wake up.

My languages / words may pique you, hit you straight, but
what I feel really funny about is when I hear from people
the same thing that I said probably months ago. And that too,
people reach these conclusions after talking to attorneys,
congressmen and what not !

I am not trying to say that I am some brilliant guy here.. all I
am saying is you all have brains, common sense and a lot
of it. So why don't u use it ? Why are you begging before
IIO's, Congressmen and what not ?

So, what am I trying to say here ? Its simple. IIO won't give
you information. No congressmen will help you ( why will
they, what will they gain ? ). INS wouldn't do a shit.

So what will work ? Only this ( according to me ) :

We have to raise money.. yes. lotsa money..probably tens of
millions of dollars. And with that money, all of us will need
to negotiate with INS or HomeLand Security. Money for INS
in lieu of speed and fairness in processing.


If you think differently, do so now, and get back to me after a
few weeks/months. I am sure my conclusion will then be in your
mouths...only diff is that you will reach it after fruitless
efforts involving IIO's, attorneys and Congressmen.
Moderator - Please Read

Moderator - Please Read
Is there anway we can stop this pessimistic, half-baked nut who calls himself 'PissedOff140' from posting his incoherent thoughts?

None of us feel there is a place for people like him. He is 'ABUSING' the hospitality provided by 'Law Offices of Rajiv Khanna'.

All of us are extremely grateful for the 'Law Offices of Rajiv Khanna' for providing us with this kind of forum. It is priceless and we owe it to ourselves to honor the opportunity provided to us.

Please Moderator, please do something.

thank you
Just do your work.. don't be a judge

Whether I am a half - baked nut or not is none of your biz,
neither your decision. There is neither any place for a
nitwit , foul-mouthed, cowardly idiot like you on this forum. If
there's anyone who should go away from here its people like you
and many of your cronies.

If straight talk hurts you, go and stand in front of a mirror
and think; don't pass on your anger at me, you pathetically
failed piece of shit.

If you have anything constructive to do or offer, go for it.

Else., just keep your foul and filthy mouth shut.
PissedOFF is a real jerk. I have seen hiscomments in various threads here and i have seen how people ignore him. All I say is to other members is just please ignore this rotton fella. He is like a bad fish in a pond. If we ignore him, he will keep quiet . If we keep comenting about what he say, then its like adding fuel to this guys ass.
There's another to the gang

Time for the loosers' gang to celebrate. Here goes another
one. Can't help but noticing... where are the Sanga's,
Gultis, Maddus ...where are they ?