Please share the AP experience


Registered Users (C)
From previous discussions I understand that your i-94 is taken from you on the exit port.
Which I-94 should I surrender: the one I have in my passport, which I got when I last entered the
country and which is expired a long time ago, or the last one from my H1s ( which I never used, since
I haven\'t left this country since then, and now I\'m working on AD and plan to go abroad on PA.
Thanks in advance
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I really need to hear about somebody\'s experience with this; since i\'m leaving in two days...
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Producing your latest I-94 makes sense to me. Because, that represents your latest status in this country right ?
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I think you should surrender all the I-94s if you have in pocesion or the latest while leaving the country.Make copies for your personal record. You will be given a new I-94 while re entering.

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You should really consult a lawyer. In any case, here are my 2 cents. The H-1 I-94 is not really the entry I-94. The last I-94 you got at the port of entry is your last I-94. However, if you look at the instructions on the I-797A/B/D form, you will notice that it says you have to take the I-94 and attach it.

Strongly suggest you consult a lawyer - or even the INS - they should answer this question more than anyone else.

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Had the same issue when I switched from F-1 to H-1 a year ago. I surrendered both I-94s when I left the country. Keep copies of I-94s
... some people are asked to prove that they were never out of status
before their I-485 goes through.

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in all my trips to india in the past 8 yrs I have never been asked for my I-94 while going. As a reult I have about 15 I-94s with me now. There was one time in 1996 when I asked the lady while checking in my luggage and getting the boarding pass, she gave me a blank look. I figured -- what the hell and left.
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I travelled on AP this year. There are absolutely no problems. At JFK airport they took my recent I-94. On my return trip, at Bombay
they took my AP paper. Immigration at JFK was little unsettling. When I used to have my H-1 visa, I was used to having my entry stamped in my passport at the immigration counter with no questions asked. But with AP they will not stamp your passport immediately at those Immigration booths, they will put the passport and your AP papers in a brown envelope and take it into a room
behind those immmigration booths where couple of Immigration officers go thru "Not so straightforward" cases. They will ask you to sit in that room, don\'t get terrified if you find some prisoners chained to benches in that room ( I was terrified when I entered that room and saw the scene !!). When my turn came the IO looked at my AP , passport, stamped it and gave me in a minute without saying a word. I guess this is the normal procedure for AP admittance.
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thank you, guys,
this information was of real help: i\'ll staple all i-94s i have , since it won\'t hurt...