Please Read: TSC does not process the case by Receipt no.

Jaideep Chitkara

Registered Users (C)
I have been reading all of your discussions and contributions. I have to come to understanding that some of you (including me) think that if SRC-01-012-52284 is approved then why SRC-01-012-52283 is not approved or one may think who has receipt no. of SRC-01-012-52285, he or she is next to be processed. I think that is not correct. Last night, I tried various receipt no.’s which were before and after me. My receipt no. is SRC-01-244-522XX. The receipt no. before me was approved and after me was approved. Then I kept trying some receipt no.’s up to SRC-01-244-55710 and they were all approved between Oct. 2001 to Dec 2001 timeframe or some had filed for I-824.

All it comes to my mind is that may be TSC is processing the cases by Priority date rather than by Receipt date or notice date. Please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks
I doubt your idea

I dont think INS processes according to priority date because my PD is Aug 98. I have seen many people after my priority date getting approvals. We do not know in which order INS approves the cases.
It is hard to predict what TSC is doing

If you are trying to guess TSC I-485 processing patterns you will go crazy. What I think is they have no order and everything is random with TSC.
No Title

I second ganti\'s point. From the recent approvals that we\'ve seen on this board, it seems EB1 or EB2 is being processed faster than EB3. However, many approvals also proved that TSC process cases in random pattern. It all depends on your luck. To me, the processing time is meaningless. Before the processing time turned to 1/3/00, the IIO at TSC told me to call back when my ND(11/99) became current. But now every time I call the TSC, the IIO will just tell me my case is not assigned and can\'t tell me how much longer I have to wait. The only difference is the response from IIO and being able to write letters to my Senator and Congressman.