Please Read And Help Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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To whom it may concern

Dear readers for the past fifteen months I have been a victim of injustice and I can only take it so far. My case is complex but not impossible. I arrived at the age of 8 to the United States and then was deported at the age of 23 along with my entire family. My country of birth is Dubai and unfortunately my country of citizenship is Pakistan. I overstayed in the United States for a long term. As a child I migrated to the states with my family not knowing what immigration was. We had a few cases under procedure while our stay in the United States through my mothers employer. Two cases were filed and both were denied. On Oct 3rd 2003 I suffered from a horrific accident which left me on a wheel chair for 7 months and in complete bed rest. After 9 different surgical procedures I was able to walk again and regain my strength. I had a girl friend for some time whom I married in March of 2005 filed a case in March and since then have been waiting on an approval notice. After 15 months of patience and hard work I am being to loose patience and become suicidal. My life here in Pakistan is extremely hard I still need medical attention that I cannot receive in Pakistan. I have submitted letters from the doctors in Pakistan in regards to my deteriorating health and that I need to be re evaluated by the same facility that had done the medical procedures to begin with. Currently I am in an immense amount of physical and mental pain and there is no way to look for closure or any answers. I have an attorney in Chicago where the whole case was filed and he repeatedly just says any day now. I have been hearing his input of this case of any day now since a year now and nothing has happened. I have read an immense amount of literature on the websites in which case is completed and couples are reunited in less then a year. My wife is a born US citizen and I wasn’t deported I left on volunteer departure. Currently in Pakistan having a rough time from every aspect can anyone please for the sake of god help me or point me towards the right direction.

Thanks for reading Please if at most keep me in your prayers
I dont have any answers for you, but I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers...praying your paperwork goes thru soon...take things one day at a time (I know that can be tough) and just remember your wife loves you and hopefully soon you two will be together..lots of prayers for you and I hope someone here mybe able to help you more
there is a way. you can apply for a waiver. and if granted, you will be able to come. most likely it will be on the fiancee visa. and for every year you will need to apply for that waiver until the ten years are up. and one final thing , i take it that the deportation was done becuase you were caught. not because of drug convictions. the good new is that there is a way.

and yes, hope it all turns well on all fronts.
don't think we didn't notice what you just did.

sorry for my error, then im85, you should give our friend advice on how to come here. alla, follow what im85 says and aks for the waiver.
deportation misconception

I was never caught nor did i or the family try to run away and hide things. An option for volunteer departure was given and i took it immediately. The advantage of vd is that the ins officer has said that if u need to return to the states you would not need a waiver knowing so i left immediately. The option for the K visa did exist for me but i was advised against it because my attorney told me that the case would be approved in december 05 at the latest. I was misguided and now as is it take about 6 to 8 months to to come back to the US. Now as things apply i cannot apply for a K visa due to the fact that my case is in the Adjudication process and the verdict i pray should be delieverd soon. From then on i have no idea how much longer it will take i hope and pray its allot faster the the pending 15 month procedure without any luck