Please read…. Please contribute….


Registered Users (C)
Not because Rajiv need Money, but to show our solidarity to Rajiv and co.

I believe nothing comes free and we are colleting for our own cause. I also believe there are some positive immigration laws after Rajiv filed the law suite.

When you called your Mon/Dad and explaing how painful the process of getting a GC, well, would you please save one next phone call and show you solidarity…

When you last chatted with you friend about GC hassle an hour or so. Would you please reduce your call time to save some money and show your support.

You may be a salient reader, already got your GC or waiting for GC like me, this is our opportunity to make our part, Please help, no matter how small.

I know, many of you thought of this…just noted down and never did, would you please do it today. We are fighting for reduce the backlog, so please don’t keep pending your thoughts…

For details, visit