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Please, provide a link to AOS process description


Registered Users (C)
Please, provide a link to AOS for DV process description

I found a lot of information regarding AOS for DV, but I am trying to find a place where this process is described in details. Possibly with estimated timeline at least for some steps.

I thought I could find it on official USCIS website, but looks like I can't.

Please, help.
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Borya, spasibo,

Well, ya nablyudayu za etim i drugimi forumami v techenii neskol'kih mesyacev (pravda, vsego neskol'ko chasov v nedelyu). Ochen' mnogo poleznojj informacii i sovetov.

No hotelos' by najti takuyu "summary page", gde opisan process s srednim ili bol'shim urovnem detalizacii, gde yasno, naprimer, kogda nachinatsya biometrics i s kakogo momenta nachinaetsya administrativnaya proverka, chto za checm sleduyet.

Kstati, ya nadeyalsya, chto takaya informaciya takzhe dolzhna byt' gde-to na official'nom saite, naprimes USCIS, no poka moi poiski ne prinesli rezul'tata.
Najjti podrobnoe opisanie AOS poka ne udalos'. Poprobuem reshit' chastnye voprosy. Podskazhite, kto znaet.

Pravil'no li opisan process:
i-485 vysylaetsya k tomu momentu, kogda nomer stanovitsya tekuschim.
Cherez nekotoroe vremya prikhodit priglashenie na sdachu otpechatkov pal'cev (sudya po najjdennojj mnoyu na forumakh informacii, ehto proiskhodit cherez mesyac-poltora posle nachala obrabotki kejjsa)
Srazu posle sdachi otpechatkov nachinaetsya adinistrativnaya proverka, kotoraya dlitsya ot 1 (i men'she?) do 4 (i bol'she) mesyacev.
Posle proverki USCIS naznachaet interv'yu (estesno, tozhe cherez 2-3 nedeli posle polucheniya rezul'tatov).
Esli interv'yu proshlo uspeshno, trebuetsya esche 2-3 nedeli dlya oformleniya grin karty.
Esli oformleniya ne zakonchilos' do 1 oktyabrya, to "igrajjte snova".
To est' v luchshem sluchae s momenta, kogda nomer stal tekuschim, process zajjmet minimum 3 mesyaca.
V nekotorykh (ili bol'shinstve?) sluchayakh loer mozhet vytorgovat' grin-kartu i posle 1 oktyabrya.
I still cannot find detailed desfription. Well, may be I can resolve some particular questions.
Any feedback will be appreciated.

Did I diescribe the process right:
i-485 is sent by the time the number becomes current.
They send an invitation for fingerprints (based on my analysis of reviews, it takes 1-1.5 months after the case started processing)
After fingerprints the administrative check begins and it takes from 1 (or less?) to 4 (and more) months.
After check is passed, they sendan invitation for an interview and it also scheduled 2-3 weeks later.
If interview was successful, it takes 2-3 weeks to process green card paperwork.
If any part of this process is not completed by Oct 1, then "play again"
Based on these numbers, the "technical" minimum is 3 months.
In some (or most?) cases a lawyer can help to finish the process after Oct 1.
Borya, thank you, this one was really good.

Let me ask you this question. My friend asked for advice if they should do AOS or CP. They want AOS because don't want to spend much money and do everything in rush.
But... their number is estiamated (based on current progress) to be current early July.
From my point of view this may not pass during just simple mathematical calculations:

July - 485 receipt
Late Aug - fingerprints
Administrative check - At least all Sept

I have a feeling that this is just technically impossible.
CP faster, at least, i see it from experiance from other people. i was doing AOS because i could not go back in my contry, i am pretty busy right now here in USA....

i would do CP in the above case, but it is better to ask somebody else about it ...