Please join us!

JuanSorano61 said:
I frankly do not appreciate when some of you goes on the offensive and attack my father. He was simply asking for support from fellow immigrants. If you do not agree with the march, just let it be and don't attack him for his belief. He has done nothing wrong to you.

If your father came to US legally, and we happened to have personal attack to him, I am very sorry about it.

May be you believe your father, and other illegal immigrants should deserve better. breaking a law is breaking a law. It does not matter if someone beaks a criminal law or immigration law.
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JuanSorano61 said:
My father is a hard working man.

my parents are hard working people too.

JuanSorano61 said:
He gave me a chance to study here, and I fought all the temptations to join the gang and studied.

My parents supported me to come to US to study, and I did not join the gang too.

JuanSorano61 said:
I got accepted to the University of Illinois, but I can't get any federal aid because I do not have legal status. This, to me, is so anti-American because education is one of fundamental human rights and I am being denied this right because of my immigration status.

It is right for the US gov't supporting the legal immigrant and US citizens. were you one of them?
I was the LEGAL non-immigrant and I did not get any grants from the US gov't. I did not think it is unfair. it is their policy.
I hate to say that.. If you do not like it, someone could show you the exit. It is your choice.
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JuanSorano61 said:
I frankly do not appreciate when some of you goes on the offensive and attack my father. He was simply asking for support from fellow immigrants. If you do not agree with the march, just let it be and don't attack him for his belief.

It is understandable that "you don't appreciate" the fact that others don't agree with you...but THIS IS INCLUDED IN THE FIRST AMENDMENT :FREE SPEACH ;)
We can say that we don't appreciate that an illegal is trying to lecture us what we should do and what shouldn't we do :rolleyes:
We had the decency not to attack you, we just posted our opinions...which happen to be opposite to yours, like you said it, if you don't like it, let it be...

...but I can't get any federal aid because I do not have legal status. This, to me, is so anti-American because education is one of fundamental human rights and I am being denied this right because of my immigration status.

Yes, if you were LEGAL in the far you're not, and you should count your blessings that you weren't kicked out yet.
This country doesn't have the obligations to educate everybody who comes here illegally from all over the world.
Why US should spend federal funds to educate ILLEGALS=LAW BREAKERS from other countries???

Blanket amnesty is badly needed. Do you honestly see the Government, rounding us up in mass and deporting us to the south of border? This is exactly what the Nazis did to the Jews back in the days.

This is a very bad and inappropriate example, don't compare the American patriots who care about their country with the Nazis.
:mad: :mad:

Instead of supporting political persecution of undocument immigrants, isn't it time for us to join our hands and fight for our right to live in this country?

This is not political prosecution, this is protecting America and American people against ILLEGALS=LAW BREAKERS who are invading this country.

Bottomline....This forum goes out of the way for people who are 'LEGAL IMMIGRANTS' who are in need and who are in a desperate situation.

It has seen the suffering,the pain,the sorrow,the grief of the people at the hands of INS due to reasons beyond their control.

At the sametime it has no affection,no support and basically nothing to do with people who break the law and demands something like 'Blanket Amnesty'....
My apology

Hello -

This is Carlos again. I would like to start out my post with an apology to those who I may have offended by my comparison of our plight to that of Jews during the Hitler regime. My intention was not to suggest that Americans, who do not agree with the legalization of undocumented, were Nazis. I wanted to demonstrate to everyone here that our plight is dire, and the comparion didn't quite relay the message that I was trying to get across. Once again, I do apologize and I hope you will forgive me for my comments.

Please understand that we "WANT" to be legal. We would love to have the opportunity to stand in line at the U.S. Embassy to file our visa, or go online and try our luck at the annual lottery for permanent residence given out annually by the U.S. Dept. of State.

The fact is, my friends, people like my father do not have the kind of education or financial means to hire an immigration attorney, ask the sponsoring employer to file for h1-b/h4, or ask our employer to sponsor us for labor certification and our employment based green cards. The green card lottery, unfortunately, excludes those from Mexico due to our high quota of immigration.

That being said, what are we to do if we want to settle here and start a new life? Some of you mentioned that we should go back home and demand our government for change. Fair enough. However, if we are to apply this argument, shouldn't this also apply to many Indian and Chinese workers who come here, go to school to get their education, but then end up trying their hardest to get their green card through their employers? Why don't these people go back to their country instead and work with their government for change? I have read so many posting by Indian and Chinese people on this forum, and many say that they want to stay here for better opportunities. Does this mean that it is okay for these individuals to stay in the U.S. and seek permanent residency but not okay for us Mexicans? Doesn't this sound like immigration based on social and financial status to you? I truly believe that American is the land of immigrants, and she accepts everyone regardless of your background.

We do want to do all that you do, follow your footsteps, get in line to get our immigrant visas. The fact of matter is, my friends, many of us do not have the kind of financial or educational means to do so. What are we to do if there are not a single route we can take to become legal. Does this mean that the door to this country should be close to those who do not have any money or education, but it is totally okay for those with money and education? This, to me, does not sound very fair.

Legalization is unfortunately the only way we can possibly stay in this country. I never once suggested that illegal immigrants should be given preferential treatment or skip those legal immigrants and be in the frontline for green card.

Please show us the way to achieve our objectives through legal means. I can speak for many of our compatriots that we would rather do this than do what we are doing now.

Let me make something clear. This is nothing personal against you and this is not an fight between Juan/Carlos and the rest of the forum. This is against ALL the illegal immigrants. You are talking only about yourself, not about the whole bunch of illegal immigrants. See my comments in blue within your post.

JuanSorano61 said:
Hello -

This is Carlos again. I would like to start out my post with an apology to those who I may have offended by my comparison of our plight to that of Jews during the Hitler regime.
That was a very bad example.

My intention was not to suggest that Americans, who do not agree with the legalization of undocumented, were Nazis.
You meant something like that

I wanted to demonstrate to everyone here that our plight is dire, and the comparion didn't quite relay the message that I was trying to get across. Once again, I do apologize and I hope you will forgive me for my comments.

Please understand that we "WANT" to be legal.
I am not against the illegals being legal, but im not sure if i speak for everyone here.
We would love to have the opportunity to stand in line at the U.S. Embassy to file our visa, or go online and try our luck at the annual lottery for permanent residence given out annually by the U.S. Dept. of State.

The fact is, my friends, people like my father do not have the kind of education or financial means to hire an immigration attorney, ask the sponsoring employer to file for h1-b/h4, or ask our employer to sponsor us for labor certification and our employment based green cards.
A lot of people legally here dont have that kind of education or money. So comparing yourself with them is not going to change things. They are here legally, you are not

The green card lottery, unfortunately, excludes those from Mexico due to our high quota of immigration.
Would you rather like to add the word "illegal" to it?

That being said, what are we to do if we want to settle here and start a new life?
Breaking the law and demanding equal rights is definitely not the way to start a new life

Some of you mentioned that we should go back home and demand our government for change. Fair enough. However, if we are to apply this argument, shouldn't this also apply to many Indian and Chinese workers who come here, go to school to get their education, but then end up trying their hardest to get their green card through their employers?
There is no comparison here. I fail to see your point. They dont jump fences and enter the US illegally

Why don't these people go back to their country instead and work with their government for change?
Again, they are here legally and entered the US legally. They went through the process and waited for their turn, unlike the mexicans who jumped the border illegally. The Indians/Chinese pay taxes here instead of being a burden to the economy so you CANNOT compare them with your situation!

I have read so many posting by Indian and Chinese people on this forum, and many say that they want to stay here for better opportunities. Does this mean that it is okay for these individuals to stay in the U.S. and seek permanent residency but not okay for us Mexicans?
DONT start with the race card now. It aint going to help you in any way. Race has nothing to do with this and you very well know that. Its time you admit that your problem is illegal immigration and has nothing to do with the fact that you are mexican or arab or cuban

Doesn't this sound like immigration based on social and financial status to you?
No. It doesnt. It is all in your head. You would like to talk about immigration, not illegal immgration. I know a lot of mexicans who are LEGALLY here, who came on visas and do what it takes to keep their legal status.

I truly believe that American is the land of immigrants, and she accepts everyone regardless of your background.
Yes thats correct and you contradict with your previous statement

We do want to do all that you do, follow your footsteps, get in line to get our immigrant visas. The fact of matter is, my friends, many of us do not have the kind of financial or educational means to do so. What are we to do if there are not a single route we can take to become legal.
Breaking the law is not the answer if there are no other oppurtunities left. You cannot rob a bank because you need money and dream to have a better life.

Does this mean that the door to this country should be close to those who do not have any money or education, but it is totally okay for those with money and education? This, to me, does not sound very fair.
What is not fair is the fact that the millions of illegals who broke the law are demanding amnesty. There are people dying across the world in somalia, sudan, africa and their situation is way worse than your situation in mexico. How come no one talks about them entering US illegally in such big numbers? If your argument holds true, then all people suffering in this world should break the law and enter the US because the deserve a better life. Everyone deserves a better life, but the price you pay for it is doing it legally.

Legalization is unfortunately the only way we can possibly stay in this country. I never once suggested that illegal immigrants should be given preferential treatment or skip those legal immigrants and be in the frontline for green card.
Amensty is what the countless illegals demand and also expressed it strongly in the last few weeks. What does the slogan "Today we march, tomorrow we vote" mean to you???

Please show us the way to achieve our objectives through legal means. I can speak for many of our compatriots that we would rather do this than do what we are doing now.
No. you are only speaking for yourself and probably a handful few. The other illegals wave spanish flags, hang the american flag upside down, stage rallies, sing the anthem in spanish and demand amnesty for breaking the law. How can you say that you speak for them too?

JuanSorano61 said:
Hello -
My intention was not to suggest that Americans, who do not agree with the legalization of undocumented, were Nazis. I wanted to demonstrate to everyone here that our plight is dire, and the comparion didn't quite relay the message that I was trying to get across.

For the simple reason that comparing Americans with Nazis is a big insult to this Nation who sacrificed many of its best sons and daughters to fight the Nazis and many of the today's American citizens are victims of those criminals.
Without the American blood it's a good chance that Europe was a German speaking region;)
I have to admit it I don't know much about Mexico's history, especially 20th Century history...what was the contribution of Mexico to WWII and to defeat the Nazis?
It's good to lay-back and let others do the sacrifice and then just come over and "demand" rights...worse using the Nazi-American comparison

Please understand that we "WANT" to be legal.

Hundreds of millions across the world REALLY WANT (not "WANT") to be legal in US...and they don't sneak over the border...

We would love to have the opportunity to go online and try our luck at the annual lottery for permanent residence given out annually by the U.S. Dept. of State.
The green card lottery, unfortunately, excludes those from Mexico due to our high quota of immigration.

You didn't participate to the Diversity visa because the entire annual quota for the whole world is hundred times lower than the number of the illegal Mexicans (not to count the legal ones) and as its name says it is a DIVERSITY visa to give the people all over the world the opportunity to come over here.

And please don't tell me that if the Diversity visa was available for Mexicans, the 6.5 million illegals weren't here, were back in Mexico waiting to try their luck year, after year, after year by the rate of 55,000 per year (for entire world!) to reach 6.5 millions would take 118 years...apparently crossing the border over night is a much better option than Diversity Visa :rolleyes:

However, if we are to apply this argument, shouldn't this also apply to many Indian and Chinese workers who come here, go to school to get their education, but then end up trying their hardest to get their green card through their employers? Why don't these people go back to their country instead and work with their government for change? I have read so many posting by Indian and Chinese people on this forum, and many say that they want to stay here for better opportunities. Does this mean that it is okay for these individuals to stay in the U.S. and seek permanent residency but not okay for us Mexicans?

They came here legally (and for the record I'm not one of them, so I'm not self-serving my cause here) and after that, also legally they try to adjust their status, they didn't cross the border illegally and didn't demand rights.
And once again, is not what you try to imply between the lines: It is not discrimination against Mexicans, in fact if you really want to play the discrimination card, WHAT MEXICANS ARE DEMANDING IS PREFFERENTIAL TREATMENT FOR THEM AND DISCRIMINATION AGAINTS ALL THE OTHER IMMIGRANTS (LEGAL IMMIGRANTS) FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD

Doesn't this sound like immigration based on social and financial status to you? I truly believe that American is the land of immigrants, and she accepts everyone regardless of your background.


Does this mean that the door to this country should be close to those who do not have any money or education, but it is totally okay for those with money and education? This, to me, does not sound very fair.

And fair or unfair these are the laws of the country where you want to live. What do you propose, a "revolucion" to change the system, the laws and the Government???
Including American citizen are subject of these "unfair capitalist rules" and without money they can't go to expensive Universities and get the best education...and they live in this condition and don't complain that is unfair...but like you said:

¡Hoy marchamos, mañana votamos! Si se puede!
(Today we march, tomorrow we vote - yes we can).

I pray God every night that will never happen...God have mercy on the American people and America if ever you will become majority and you will vote...the day when that happens, I predict that this country will sink like Titanic:eek:

This the future Mexicans are cooking for America and "gringos":


Now, Carlos, you may not be one of them (even though your nice words sustain the same mentality :rolleyes: ) but what about the other 6.5 millions???
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How is everybody doing? Hope everyone is okay. Let me start by

saying that I'm not for Illegal Immigration and don't support the

protest that took place on May 1st. If you are in the country

illegally, you don't have rights,your only entitle to human rights.

However, I'm not going to vent all my anger and frustration of

illegal immigration, just on the illegals. Everyone that has

posted a post on this subject has forgetten about the illegal

employers that hire Illegal Aliens and are countless Congressmen

and Senators, that have look the other way for many years. when

they know that there is a huge wave of people, coming thru the

southern border and have done nothing to stop it.

Furthermore, ari4u, give the kid a break, it's obivious that he

was talking out of his ass, when he made his first post. Yes, he is

an illegal alien, but not by choice. His parents made that choice

for him by bringing him here, I'm guessing when he was 9 or 10

years old. I have many friends that are in the same predicament as

this kid. For example, my best friend at the tender age of 1 came

with his parents from Panama and overstayed their visas, therefore,

bacame illegal aliens. He attended elementary, Junior high shcool,

and high school in the U.S.A and is now fliping hamburgers at

McDonalds. You should see this guy, you would never think in a

million years he is an illegal alien. He speaks english fluently

and does not speak a word spanish, as a matter of fact, I was

tutoring him in spanish, when we were in High School.

Moreover, everyone in this Legal Immigartion Forum, complaint

about losted finger prints by USCIS, FBI background checks that

have not cleared, the backlog of cases, and retrogressions of the

visa bullentin, but have never gather and march to washington to

protest. You guys have every right, you are legal immigrants, so

why don't you? I'm sure if you were to stage a protest Congress and

Senate will listen to your concerns and address them. We all know

that USCIS is under funded and that the current number 226,000

family based immigrant visas issued are not enough, that number

should be doubled.

Inconclusion, let me restate that I don't support illegal

immigration and don't support the protest that took place on May

1st, but a solution to this problem is desparately needed. I hope

that the Senate pass a border security legislation, so they can

start to deal with the 12 million illegals that are currently in

the country.
JuanSorano61 said:
Hello -

Please understand that we "WANT" to be legal. We would love to have the opportunity to stand in line at the U.S. Embassy to file our visa, or go online and try our luck at the annual lottery for permanent residence given out annually by the U.S. Dept. of State.

if you want to be legal, GO BACK TO YOUR HOME COUNTRY to wait

JuanSorano61 said:
The fact is, my friends, people like my father do not have the kind of education or financial means to hire an immigration attorney, ask the sponsoring employer to file for h1-b/h4, or ask our employer to sponsor us for labor certification and our employment based green cards. The green card lottery, unfortunately, excludes those from Mexico due to our high quota of immigration.

So, If i do not have money to buy an expensive car, should I go to steal money?
If you can't afford to come here legally in any ways, may be it is NOT the place for you and your family

JuanSorano61 said:
That being said, what are we to do if we want to settle here and start a new life? Some of you mentioned that we should go back home and demand our government for change. Fair enough. However, if we are to apply this argument, shouldn't this also apply to many Indian and Chinese workers who come here, go to school to get their education, but then end up trying their hardest to get their green card through their employers? Why don't these people go back to their country instead and work with their government for change?

I agree. All ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS should GO BACK TO THEIR HOME COUNTRY. because those ppl who went to protest think this country owe them. US does not owe anyone.

JuanSorano61 said:
I have read so many posting by Indian and Chinese people on this forum, and many say that they want to stay here for better opportunities. Does this mean that it is okay for these individuals to stay in the U.S. and seek permanent residency but not okay for us Mexicans?

Most (if not all) of chinese and indian on this forum ARE HERE LEGALLY. geez, can't you figure it out YOU and YOUR FAMILY ARE LIVING IN US ILLEGALY. I just wish I could report any illegal immigrants to police and USICS and deport them right the way.

why do you have to compare yourself with all other LEGAL immigrants? there has no comparsion because I (i just use myself for an example) am a legal immigrant and you and your father are not.

I have nothing to against you and your family. However, I am againsting all illegal immigrants coming to this country illegally.

I feel no sorry for illegal immigrants at all.
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NewGuy101 said:
How is everybody doing? Hope everyone is okay. Let me start by saying that I'm not for Illegal Immigration and don't support the protest that took place on May 1st. If you are in the country illegally, you don't have rights,your only entitle to human rights. However, I'm not going to vent all my anger and frustration of illegal immigration, just on the illegals. Everyone that has posted a post on this subject has forgetten about the illegal employers that hire Illegal Aliens and are countless Congressmen and Senators, that have look the other way for many years. when they know that there is a huge wave of people, coming thru the southern border and have done nothing to stop it.

Furthermore, ari4u, give the kid a break, it's obivious that he was talking out of his ass, when he made his first post. Yes, he is an illegal alien, but not by choice. His parents made that choice for him by bringing him here, I'm guessing when he was 9 or 10 years old. I have many friends that are in the same predicament as this kid. For example, my best friend at the tender age of 1 came with his parents from Panama and overstayed their visas, therefore, bacame illegal aliens. He attended elementary, Junior high shcool, and high school in the U.S.A and is now fliping hamburgers at McDonalds. You should see this guy, you would never think in a million years he is an illegal alien. He speaks english fluently and does not speak a word spanish, as a matter of fact, I was tutoring him in spanish, when we were in High School. Moreover, everyone in this Legal Immigartion Forum, complaint about losted finger prints by USCIS, FBI background checks that have not cleared, the backlog of cases, and retrogressions of the visa bullentin, but have never gather and march to washington to protest. You guys have every right, you are legal immigrants, so why don't you? I'm sure if you were to stage a protest Congress and Senate will listen to your concerns and address them. We all know that USCIS is under funded and that the current number 226,000 family based immigrant visas issued are not enough, that number should be doubled.
Inconclusion, let me restate that I don't support illegal immigration and don't support the protest that took place on May 1st, but a solution to this problem is desparately needed. I hope that the Senate pass a border security legislation, so they can start to deal with the 12 million illegals that are currently in the country.

My post was not specific to juan/carlos as i had already mentioned. I pretty well know his predicament as he is paying for the mistake his father made. I had earlier posted in this thread but did not want to repeat the same thing here.

Agreed, there are problems with legal immigration and USCIS is trying different ways to streamline the process but staging protests will not help solve anything. If you see the CZ forum, the right way to go to prevent more delays is to file a lawsuit and i have seen to work. I am against protests and rallies of anysort and i beleive there are better ways to take care of problems.
Something a little bit off topic but still on the subject:

There are many countries in the world where the people living there are willing to give an arm and a leg to have the opportunity to emigrate and to live in...Mexico!!!

Yes, this is not a joke, Mexico is by far not at the American standards...but is much better than many countries in Africa or some parts of Asia.

Mexicans are not coming here ILLEGALY because they are dying by starvation, they just come for a better life and BECAUSE THEY CAN.
How are you doing ari4u? Hope you are doing okay. I have read your post on what should be done with the 12 million Illegal Aliens that are currently present in the U.S.. I must say that your points were well articulated. However, I disagree with one of your points. The point, I disagree with is the children of illegal aliens. You stated that they should not be granted automatic citizenship, if their parents are not legally present in the U.S.. I don't agree with that point because an innocent child should not be punished for his or her parents mistakes. I believe in the 14 amendment, if you are born the United States, you are a citizen of the United States.
It is a federal offense if you are illegal in Mexico unlike the US, with a minimum of 2 years in Jail and up to 7 years if present for longer periods.

Why are they complaining about making it an offence to be illegal in the US?
NewGuy101 said:
How are you doing ari4u? Hope you are doing okay. I have read your post on what should be done with the 12 million Illegal Aliens that are currently present in the U.S.. I must say that your points were well articulated. However, I disagree with one of your points. The point, I disagree with is the children of illegal aliens. You stated that they should not be granted automatic citizenship, if their parents are not legally present in the U.S.. I don't agree with that point because an innocent child should not be punished for his or her parents mistakes. I believe in the 14 amendment, if you are born the United States, you are a citizen of the United States.

I never said they should be denied their citizenship. I only said they can only claim it when their parents legalize themselves. I know it is in the 14th amendment, but its time it is amended again. Parents have a major role in deciding the fate of their kids and if they make a mistake, the kids suffer for no reason. Going by the discussion here, if Carlos was born in the US, he would be talking in a different tone, but since he wasn't he is suffering for something he did not do.

To summarize, i am in support of the illegal immigrants legalizing. America needs (legal) immigrants to do the jobs and i think there should be a new visa category for mexicans (who are not eligible for H/L/J/F visas) so they can also come here and be a part of the american dream. I also stand by my point that I am against blanket amnesty as it would mean a slap on faces of all people who are legally trying to be here.
ari4u said:
i think there should be a new visa category for mexicans (who are not eligible for H/L/J/F visas) so they can also come here and be a part of the american dream.

America is a country of DIVERSITY with immigrants from all over the planet.

The Mexican shouldn't have a special visa, considering the legal ones, and especially the illegals they are a big percentage of US population already...with a special visa for them we will end up in USA like: Mexicans and...the minorities: some from each European country, some from each Asian country, some from each African, and so on...

Already, the Mexicans plus the ones originally from Mexico are by far more than any other ethnic community from any other country.
I think ari4u sees our plight and suzy977 does not!

Hello -

Thank you to ari4u for finally seeing the light and supporting a new category of visas for unskilled workers. This will definitely benefit the Latino community, for no one can deny the fact that we are much needed here. Like someone said in forum, we are already here and people will keep on coming to this Land of Opportunity as long as the status quo does not change.

Suzy977, unfortunately, refuses to accept this reality. The illegal immigrants are already here, and some of them have kids who are U.S. citizens. Do you honestly picture ICE agents going door to door to arrest and deport every single illegal immigrant in America? Can you even imagine the money it is going to cost the taxpayers (which includes me and my father)? Suzy, you have to understand that this issue is not just a matter of throwing us Latinos back across the fence. If you saw the Immigrant March, you probably have seen that we were not the only people who were protesting against a bill that would make all of us felons. There were Africans, Europeans, and other Lations as well.

The concept of visa is something that is realistic in this climate, and I think President Bush is off to a good start. My dad and I are not even thinking of U.S. Citizenship right now, to be honest with you. We are thinking of a proposal or bill that would realistically address the fact that, "WE ARE ALREADY HERE AND YOU ALL DEPEND ON US FOR ALL KINDS OF MANUAL LABOR AND OTHER STUFF".

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JuanSorano61 said:
We are thinking of a proposal or bill that would realistically address the fact that, "WE ARE ALREADY HERE AND YOU ALL DEPEND ON US FOR ALL KINDS OF MANUAL LABOR AND OTHER STUFF".

Whao!!! Now you're getting carried away
I used to be in support of legalizing them, but now that I think about it, it's only going to make the wait times that much longer.

A lot of people worked really hard to come to this country legally, and it would be unfair for them to have their perspectives of permenant residency slowed by people that cheated the system to start off with. It would be a slap in the face.
I dont think you want to portray the image that i am fully in support of the illegals. I am NOT. Like i said, i have no compassion for someone who broke the law and demands to be treated equally like others here legally. This is my last post in this thread as i see no point in discussing this further.

JuanSorano61 said:
Hello -

Thank you to ari4u for finally seeing the light and supporting a new category of visas for unskilled workers. This will definitely benefit the Latino community, for no one can deny the fact that we are much needed here.
All legal immigrants are much needed here. The chinese, indians, germans and everyone who has a hand in shaping up the economy and make US a superpower. This is an immigrant country and is open to all legal immigrants, not illegals

Like someone said in forum, we are already here and people will keep on coming to this Land of Opportunity as long as the status quo does not change.

Suzy977, unfortunately, refuses to accept this reality.
Suzy's acceptance or denial is not going to prevent the illegals who are currently crossing the border illegally as we speak. This is a place for discussion, not a place where decisions are taken.

The illegal immigrants are already here, and some of them have kids who are U.S. citizens. Do you honestly picture ICE agents going door to door to arrest and deport every single illegal immigrant in America?
It could happen, if things go beyond control
Can you even imagine the money it is going to cost the taxpayers (which includes me and my father)?
The taxpayers have paid enough already to support the illegals and i dont think they would mind a little extra for this purpose

Suzy, you have to understand that this issue is not just a matter of throwing us Latinos back across the fence. If you saw the Immigrant March, you probably have seen that we were not the only people who were protesting against a bill that would make all of us felons. There were Africans, Europeans, and other Lations as well.
How about you tell us what percentage of latinos were part of that march compared to other nationalities?

The concept of visa is something that is realistic in this climate, and I think President Bush is off to a good start.
President Bush wants votes. Thats all he cares for right now
My dad and I are not even thinking of U.S. Citizenship right now, to be honest with you. We are thinking of a proposal or bill that would realistically address the fact that,

This is something i can not agree with. US does not depend on the mexicans for EVERYTHING. Americans do manual labor too, the asians do and so does everybody who is here legally, works hard and wishes to earn money. The only difference is that the mexicans are willing to work for a small fraction of the rate the others charge and are willing to work in inhumane conditions and let the employers exploit them. They are a dream for greedy employers who want to get rich by making a profit off them.
To make a long discussion short this is my personal view of the Illegals in this country.

I believe they are not beneficial for the country, they help just the greedy employers who are getting rich using illegal workers and who broke the law by hiring them.

Also illegals (especially Mexican illegals) broke the law, in the first place, by crossing the border fraudulently.

I'm an American citizen, I can vote

I'm not:

(¡Hoy marchamos, mañana votamos! Si se puede!
(Today we march, tomorrow we vote - yes we can).

So I'll do my best to vote in line with my views and convince all the people I know why it should be like this and not the other way around.
I advice everybody to think, think real good about this bilingual statement:

¡Hoy marchamos, mañana votamos! Si se puede!
(Today we march, tomorrow we vote - yes we can).

I warn you, when that will become reality :eek: , you will look back's going to be too late!
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