Please join me in Thanking Ciba

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Hats off for you Ciba... thank you so much for your hard work. I followed your site since I was at I-140 stage a year ago and visit this site almost every day. You gave us so much help and advice when we don\'t know where turn to. Ciba, you are truly a lifesaver.
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I personally benefited so much from CIBA s web site and postings. CIBA has always been available and helpful to everyone without expecting anything back.

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Keep up the good work Ciba. This definitely helps us all and makes the wait easier with so much of inforation being available. Thanks for all your efforts.
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Our sincere thanks from the bottom of our heart for your selfless efforts. God Bless You!

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Have to add my 2 cents too...
My sincere regards to Ciba for all the help he has given me by answering my queries since applying I140 to the approval.

The Immigrant community has definitely benefited from all the information your website provides.

Thanks once again !
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Thank you ciba. We all appreciate your service to the immigration community. We wish you every success in your life.
Thanks a lot.
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Thanks ciba,

Incredible job. You definitely help keep our "hope" alive.

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Thank You CIBA. I got somuch info from your website and from your postings.

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Ciba, we (all who see and visit your website) have no words to thank you. We can only wish great successes to you and your family.
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Thanks, for spending you time and effort.

You into is valued and some questions would have been so expensinve to get clarification from the attorney.

good luck to you

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ciba, great work. i sincerely salute your amazing efforts, time & help in maintaining a great web site and taking the time to answer the questions.
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Good Job Ciba, there are only few people like you in this planet!!! Thanks for all your time
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Maybe we should all donate some money to buy a new keyboard for Ciba. ;) His keyboard must have been all worn out from all the answers he typed out for our questions.

Ciba, do u have a PayPal account? Give us your email so we can voluntarily donate to your account.
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I do appreciate your continuous hard work on this site and the on time reply on the inquires when people seek help from you. It\'s such a good deed! Like myself, so many people regain their strength and hope from getting the info. from this site during the endless waiting period.

Really appreciate your noble mind!

Smile :0)