Please join me in Thanking Ciba

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Yeah. I agree with all of them. You\'re really really nice.
I believe you\'ll get lots of luck in the future.

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Really appreciate your effort and you have been doing very good job for all of us.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dashi Li
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Lets Start a CIBA fan club. :)

Can\'t thank enuff for the good work and patience you seem to have.


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Hats off to you Ciba for the great effort and the help that you have rendered to the whole Indo-Chinese community here..
It is indeed a very great selfless effort that you have taken.

Thank you so much.
We all know, how much ever we thank Ciba, it is not going to be enough.......Words just cannot express our gratitude towards you, Ciba.
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Thanks Ciba... I think you should put your picture, so that people can see the great person. Just a thought....
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Thanks a lot Ciba for your time and effort - I think this is one of the best sites for immigration related matters and couldn\'t have been possible without all your hard work.

You\'re a Star Ciba and I\'m a big fan!

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I have to add my two cents here. Words are not enought to say "Thanks" to Ciba and to all who make this
site a reality. This has been our source of hope for a long time. Thanks a lot for all the hard work. Hope this
site is available forever so new immigrants have the same source of good information I have today.
Thanks again.
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Hey mitr,

Thanks for starting this thread, and thanks to
everybody for your kind words. I am embarrassed. :)

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i will repeat what i said earlier... i would give Ciba an award if I could :) you are a really great person.
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Thanks Ciba - u deserve all the credit especially since u have already a free bird and keep coming back to this board and maintain the list. what will we do without u???