Please help


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I am posting this for my friend.

My friend who got his green card approved last year, is visiting India this month. By the time he is returning to US his passport will be valid for less than 6 months. I heard that when one is entering US, his/her passport should be
valid atleast for the next six months. By valid I mean it should not expire.
Could someone please clear this doubt. Should he get his passport renewed while in India.

Thanks in advance.
Renew the passport

Renew the passport before leaving. It takes around 5 weeks to do the complete renewal procedure at the Indian consulate new york. As the passport can be renew 6 months prior to expiry
Thanks for the reply

Thanks for the reply. But, My friend has already left to India last weekend. It was due to some urgent family emergency and he did not have any time to get his passport renewed before leaving. Now tha he is in India, can he get his passport renewed in India and if so, how long does it take.
Hi good_luc,

It depends on which part of India your friend is from. If he is in Hyderabad, it will be done in a day, week or a month depending upon the fee he pays.

Otherwise, if he has political or other clout, it will be done in 24 hours anywhere in India including Hyderabad.

Good luck to your friend.

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From what I know if your friend is a permanent resident then validity of his passport is of little relevance - as long as it's valid. My understanding that 6 months validity requirement applies to non-immigrant of certain countries.
He might want to double-check on this, but I think he should be OK.
i came back from india last week and i am a green card holder with my passport expiring in June. I did not have any problems with the 6 months validity period.
I dont think it should be any problems to come in
Once admitted and if passport then expires, then the person is considered to be out of status. Hence a precautionary measure taken at the POE is not to let people in whose passports expire within 6 mos. As a rule this makes sense only for non-immigrant visa holders, including H1/H4 visa holders. However, last July we traveled abroad without a problem when my son's passport was to expire in Sep (He's on H4). At the point of boarding (SFO) we were pulled aside by Cathay folks and asked about it and we said we would do that once we get back in Aug, and they let us thru.

The question now is when would a green card holder be out of status? I believe it is when the person forgets to renew her GC if it had a validity period (such as 10 years). My understanding is that passport has little meaning for a GC holder unless she plans to travel out of the US.

My 2 cents worth and it is not a legal opinion!