please help!


New Member
Hello, my name is Chris and I am 20 years old and I am a british citizen. I am hoping to re locate to New York, however, I have now come to accept that I will not be getting a green card anytime soon.

The reason being is because

I dont have a very good education
I have no family relatives in the US
I dont specialise in any type of career
I dont have a lot of cash.

Which does not leave me with any options.

What kind of visas can I apply for. A friend of mine once told me I could apply for a 3 month visa and all I would have to do is fly out for 1 day every 3 months and then just re apply. Is that possible?

I have tried doing research on this but looking at all of these forms and codes and regulations, to be honest I dont understand any of it!

I could really use some advice from an expert
Can anybody please help?

Many Thanks