Please help


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I have couple of questions ...
1. mine and my husband\'s case is approved (1/28/02) as per AVM, but my son\'s case still says \'Case can not be found ...\' Can anyone tell me if they had experienced anything like this. I am trying to call VSC but line is always busy.
2. My husband is out of town until middle of March -- can I take his passport for stamping or does he have to be present for pp stamping?
3. Is there any thing like you have to go for PP stamping after certain days of approval?
4. Will GC be delayed if we go late for PP stamping? Do they order the GC depending on your PP stamping date?
Sorry for all these questions. Your help is much apprciated.
Try calling them tomorrow, the trick is to keep redialing no matter what :)

You\'ll get through eventually. As far as the case not found message, AVM might be delayed for some reason. I just found out my case was approved yesterday, but when I called them last nite around 11pm it still said \'your case was received blah blah\'.
Don\'t know what to say about questions 2/3/4. IIO should be able to clear them up.
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No luck so far...
I will try again tomorrow thanks.
Also meanwhile I may get the coutesy copy. I hope AVM is screwed up and did not update my son\'s case. He is a minor and can not think of anything that may have gone wrong. He has more up to date records (birth certificate, vaccination records etc) than us.
So will know by early next week.
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You cannot take your husband\'s passport for stamping. He needs to be there himself.

Your approval notice will contain the details about the date when you can go to get your pssport stamped. And yes the longer you wait to get your passport stamped, the longer it will take to get your plastic card.

Hope this helps.

You can have the passport stamped anytime when INS are open for stamping(one half day per week) and they will order the real green card after PP stamping
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Got answer for my all my questions from IIO.
1. My son\'s case -- AVM had \'Case can not be found ..\' because he turned 14th between the 485 was filed and 485 approval date came. So he was ordered to have a FP done. God know how long that will take.
2. I can go to local INS office anytime once I get the approval notice.
3. Green card is ordered after PP stamping is done.

Thanks for all who replied,