please help


New Member
Hi everybody
I am on academic H-1 visa (nonprofit) in XXX univ. I had to stay in University job because of my wife's job. Now I want to switch to industry. I have been giving interviews for company jobs. Is it possible that company can file for visa on April 1st. My biggest fear is if Nonacademic visa gets rejected will I be able to continue on my academic visa?
The second question: Even if my industry H-1 visa is approved, I cannot start working before october 1st. In that situation can I continue to work on academic H-1 visa until september 30th since nonacademic visa will not be effective before october 31st.
Please advise, I need to come out of this situation.
If an employer want to sponsor you they can file an H-1B on April 1, 2008 at the earliest. This will allow you to start woking (on approval) for the sponsoring employer from October 1, 2008. Till September 30, 2008 you will continue to possess academic 'H' visa.
Now most important question is, Can I work for my current employer until september 30th.
thanks once again