Please help

My wife and me are eligible to apply for citizenship based on the 5 year PR rule. My question:
1. I understand that we need seperate N400 applications, can I send the 2 apps as part of a same mail package? or do send it seperately?
2. Do I need to send 2 seperate checks for $400 each? Or can I write a check for $800?
3. Finally, I have some traffic tickets that I have no recollection of dates. These happened about 7-10 years ago, I went to the concerned City Police Dept, they couldn't help me, called DMV they couldn't help me, what should I do? the tickets were paid for, it's just that there is nothing on my record as for dates and so forth.

Please, please help!! Your help will be sincerely appreciated!
You should send 2 seperate cheques for 400 dollars each. You should never send single of $800 .

I have send both documents in single package with UPS (Certified mail + delivery confirmation option) to VSC and VSC processed the cheques without any problems. However, some members recommend to send N-400 documents in seperate packages.

Even I had traffic tickets and didn't mentioned about them in N-400 documents. I will take the traffic tickets paid information at the time of interview and present them, if the immigration officer requests them. However, there are other members you recommends to mention everything upfront to be honest.
Thank you very much for your reply! The only thing I was worried about sending seperate mail packages is that we might not be able to get the same dates for a interview.

Your response has sure helped, thank you very much again!!!
You are right. You may not get the same date for interview if you mail them separately. So you can place 2 appls. separately in 2 envelopes and put them both in a single big envelope. People have done it. And it worked out well for them.
Even you did send in same package, there will be no promise if you two will be interviewed in same day. Those are two seperate cases as far as USCIS concern and had nothing to do about your merriage.
You can apparently request "group" processing at the time you submit your applications, but you probably don't want to do this in case one of you get stuck in namecheck.

My wife and I submitted our applications individually, and we were scheduled for FP and interview on the same days but different times. Both of us were approved on the same day, but still our oath ceremonies ended up a month apart. Go figure...
My wife's and my N-400s were sent in separate envelopes. Our FP appointments were scheduled at the same time. Our interviews were scheduled 10 minutes apart. However, at the last minute, my interview was descheduled and my wife's went forward.

We were quite happy about this because we had a good reason for my (17 year old) daughter to be a USC by early last summer. I didn't get my interview until late fall.

Good luck