Please Help


Registered Users (C)

I know this is not the right forum to ask questions abour AP oe EAD but I am not getting any replies in the AP forum.So Please don't mind your replies.

Could you tell me please what is the meaning of this

"On November 22, 2005, the document we made based on the approval or registration of this case was mailed directly to the person to whom issued."
If it means approved I should have my AP by now. I haven't recieved it yet.Does it mean lost in mail.What should I do now


Usually it means approved. and since its over 3 weeks, you should call USCIS and tell them that you have not recived any notification. Also, check with you lawyer if he received the copies on your behalf.
I have applied by myself only. So lawyer is not involved. In case these are lost in mail what should be the course of action