Please help us: Case transfer from TSC to Local INS Charlotte


Can some body help us, our case has been transferred from TSC to Local INS charlotte, any suggestions or did any one experience similar situation. I read in couple of postings that Charlotte office is really slow is that true!!!!

Thanks a lot…..
Try this site for transfer questions as well ...

My thoughts are on most transfers people will be given a call for when their interview date in about a month. So if your case gets transferred unfortunately you can expect not to hear any changes for a bit.

Regardless, I think most interviews are granted to transfer cases in less than 6 months. If you look at Charlotte office processing times for cases filed directly with them its take between 243-365 days to get a final interview (From Shusterman site waiting times). Transfer cases normally take considerably less time than the normal processing time of the local office.

Good luck with your case and do keep us updated as to what happens.