Please Help to Plan ahead for NIW (Useful to many in future)


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Dear All,

I am a starting masters student(Materials science). I plan to go for a phd and eventually settle in USA.

I am thinking of EB-2 NIW as a good way to get GC in future. When I look in to this forum I feel that acting at the last moment is stupid.I wish to plan my career toward NIW requirements.

Veterans Pls be kind to answer the followig questions as it might help me and many others to plan ahead of time.

1. What are the good subjects for NIW.Is my major(Materials Science) OK. I am asking because I can change it later to Physics,Chemistry, Chem eng etc when I apply for phd.

2.For a newbee like me is it advisable to plan for PREM based EB-2 rather than NIW.I still don't understand why people with such excellent credentials are not going through jobs.By the way my country is not backlogged.

3.What are the required qualifications. Howmany Journal artcls ,Conferences etc.

4.What do we have to consider when choosing our research.

5.Any other advice. Do's and Dont's

NIW gurus please respond

1. What are the good subjects for NIW.Is my major(Materials Science) OK. I am asking because I can change it later to Physics,Chemistry, Chem eng etc when I apply for phd
.Doesn't matter, what matters is that you are good as a scientist. You can be in a brilliant field but be a bad scientist and you will not get a NIW. Why not concentrate on getting into a field that you like and that you can be good at

2.For a newbee like me is it advisable to plan for PREM based EB-2 rather than NIW.I still don't understand why people with such excellent credentials are not going through jobs.By the way my country is not backlogged
People are not getting permanent jobs because : the economy is bad, there are a lot of scientist and mostly because universities and research institutions don't want to create permanent jobs, from a business principle (and they are businesses) it makes much more sense to have contracts and not be responsible until perpetuity for an employee.

3.What are the required qualifications.
4.What do we have to consider when choosing our research.That you do something you are good at

NIW gurus please respond[/QUOTE]
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