Please Help!! resubmitting corrected DS-156 form


New Member
The purpose written in the DS-156 is visiting for pregnacy help and I found out that they reject visa if the reason given is pregnancy so the letters I sent says tourism but the 156 form is already submitted. Is there a way to make correction to 156 form? Please reply...

Do they allow you to make changes to DS-156 form? I mean can she submit corrected 156 form? My mother's interview/appt is on Aug 25th and I really need her ASAP after that. Please suggest...

Thanks, I appreaciate...

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I would not do anything. Its not like you can retrive the DS-156. What you could do is cancel the appointment. And re-apply after a month using a new DS-156 form. That may be better than trying to change anyting on a form already submitted.
since you have already send the form, No matter what she says now or later. The thing is when she goes for interview, just answer the way you want.. and dont go through form...

No matter, If they wants to give visa, they way..