Please help me, went to interview yesterday


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I filed a petition for my mom; I am US citizen and she came to USA using a tourist visa, so a very simple adjustment of status; we had the interview yesterday and was told that the application will be held until we mailed them a certified letter show No criminal record showing the my mom's name correctly spelled; this is because she was arrested in 2003 because got involved on a fight with a neighbor; we had the letter but the name was wrong for two letters and we did not even noticed; ok, long story short; we have the letter now with the correct name showing no charges or no criminal record againts her and we are going to mail this on an envelope provided by the officer yesterday; now how long does this take? what is next? anyone?

thank you
It does not sound very complicated or majorly important. It just depends on simple paper-pushing volume. Interfiling mail and reaching that file for review for that officer. It sounds like an easy statistic for the officer and will probably dealt with quickly.