Please help me: passport expires in Jan'04 approved 10/17


Registered Users (C)
My passport is expiring Next year. I got approval letter saturday. I am thinking of going to INS on monday. Do i need to get my passport renewal done before i go to stamping. I searched for validity of the passport all over the net but no luck. I
have not get a chance to talk to my lawyer. Please help me...


RD oct 01
RFE 09/02/03
Ad 10/15/03
This is my thought/guess

For any visa stamping: Passpot validity should be min 3to 6 months. In the requirement is same then yes you have to renew your passport immediately before going for stamping.
Indian consolate can do the renewal in less than 1 weeks time.

You lawyer should be able to give you correct information regarding this. Congrats!! for your GC approval, good luck.


where areyou located. If you are in NY/chic you can get your passport renewed in 1 day. SO that you can get it stamped in the new passport. I did like that.
First let me congratulate you since you have crossed major hurdle. Stamping is just a formality. Even without stamping you can get your plastic card.

Normally passport should be valid for next 6 months.
You can go to Chicago/NY Indian Consulate and get it in one day.

Consult with your lawyer and also just call USCIS and get information. Don't forget to ask name of the person whom you talked, in case you want to refer later.

Good Luck.
It is so bizarre....

Where in the post did testgc say that s/he is from India. S/he may very well be from India, but it is a tad cheeky to be making that presumption. Clearly, not all people who frequent these boards are from India although a big majority seem to be.

It is great that so many here take the time and effort to provide answers and information, but can we be a bit more sensitive in how we do it. I for one would be disappointed if someone asnwered a question of mine in that manner:)
You are right Sankrit.

So in my next comment I have specified countries .

I apologize testgc if I disappointed you.
Hi achal

"Even without stamping you can get your plastic card." ???
Where did you get that? Passport stamping is just a formality - that's right. But it is a ABSOLUTE NECESSERY formality. During stamping I-89 processing is done where you need to give finger print and 2 ADIT photographs which are needed to generate the actual plastic green card. How come without stamping one can get actual greencard. Also the approval notice means nothing as long as you don't have the I-551 stamp on your passport. You can't travel or engagae on employment merely showing your I-485 approval notice. Please read " Whats next after i-485 approval" on