Please Help !!!! Exit Stamp


Registered Users (C)

My 485 was filed in December 03 and I recently left US for vacation.. When I was leaving Atlanta airport I was told that I don't need to get the exit stamp as I would be returning on AP. Can anybody confirm that and if we do need a stamp then what should I tell the immigration officer when I return?

Thank you
Seems u are okay, :D

Based on you would exit/return is AP?

than do u think u need to tell anything to officer expect than give ur PP+AP+(EAD if required) + keep always all proof to u like copies of other immig doc/bank/tax/PP all pages copy,and the ticket u used to exit.

If you are from SR country than assuming u did inform INS at port of exit that u are leaving on AP.

Good Luck , and relax, happy and safe return journey :D
I believe that you do need an exit stamp when u are leaving if you are from a SR country. However, you do not need to be registered if u enter on AP.

This is my assessment as I am not an immigration lawyer or expert.
Raju Shreef

Plz do share with us, ur departure experience what steps did u follow at airport and before, I am assuming u are from SR country.

Good LUck
Exit Stamp


Both of you are giving me contadicting information. A friend of mine who has travelled on AP three times got his passport stamped each time but only because his H1 was valid and he wanted to leave the option of returning on H1 open. He did say that each time he returned the officer did not check for the exit stamp. At Atlanta airport I was told that I don't need a stamp because I will be returning on AP. So I am a little confused and worried as to what is going to happen when I return. If I do need a stamp then how do I prove at return that I tried to get the stamp at exit but was told that I didn't need one.

As far as I know you do not get an exit stamp when you depart US. You need to turn in your I94 which goes in to their record as your exit
If you are from a special registration country and have registered, then at time of exit you will need an exit stamp.

Entry on AP is a separate matter. Remember that if you had entered on AP previously, then you may not have been required to register.
Hey Raju,

I am from a SR country and I did go for special registration and now when I return it will be the first time I will be travelling on a AP. I have a newly issued passport and it is completely blank and I don't know if that confused the officer and he told me that I don't need the stamp. Any advise as to what I should tell the officer on my return? How serious is the offense that I don't have the exit stamp? I am not on any visa but on AP so how do I fix this problem?

Any suggestion would be very much appreciated.

I do not wish to alarm you, but a SR candidate who does not get an exit stamp on departure may be denied re-entry.

I dont know if this will show up in any checks when you return. Remember that in case of entry on AP you will still have to go through secondary inspection.

I suggest that you get in touch with your attorney on this so that you may get professional advice.

One hint as someone shared if you are comming back from PK, before u arrive and clear PK Immg counter, they require a certificate (the doc has special name, not sure research it or If I found I will post) , anyway they(PK Immg) require a letter from khi/anyone embassy stating that this AP is geniune, and its easy to get, u must contact to near ur city,

Regarding ur blank passport, trust on Almighty God, it won't be any problem,

Good Luck
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You are required to let CIS know when you are leaving the country other wise you will definitely not be allowed to return as this happened to a friend of mine. he was from SR country and he registered but did not go through exit process and was sent back from Atlanta even though he had valid visa. If your last entry was on AP you do not have to follow the SR regulations i.e. registration, exit procedures etc.

My last entry was on H1B visa but that expired in Ocober and now when I will be entering I will be entering on advance parole. When I asked he customs and immigration people at Atlanta airport I was told that I don't need the exit stamp. I don't know if the officer made a mistake or if what he said is true. Also, if I was travelling on visa and was denied entry I have to return to home country and reapply for visa but what would be my option as I am travelling on AP. Also, I know of two people travelling on F1 and B1 visa who did not get the stamp but were allowed reentry


Do you know the name of the document as I have asked around and nobody knows of such a cetificate and I haven't been able to find anything on the forum regarding this.