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Please help DV 2012 Visa: Urgently need advice

hello noelle
if i get the interview in jan-feb 2012 do you think i will still make it till september 2012? I am just concerned that they say visa time is over. thanks a lot ... really nice to be here
If everything is fine at the interview and no documents are missing or any other red flags, you should get your paassport with the visa in it back within a week.
thanks tazmania so i see your number was also over 15000 and you got it without missing it... good to know thanks a lot
hello noelle

thanks a lot for checking this for so nice of you. thanks a lot... if i get the interview in jan-feb 2012 do you think i will still make it till september 2012? I am just concerned that they say visa time is over. thanks a lot ... really nice to be here


Is your foreign State Chargeability Country same as your birth country? I am afraid my application would not be able to process because of the doubt of the eligibility issue.

I was born in country X but currently a citizen of country Y. I don't have the details of what I have filled out during my DV application and I am now confused. The notification letter states the foreign State Chargeability as country Y.
Hello Noelle

I have to pass on this :( maybe someone else can help here?
My husband won it and he was born in Turkey and lives now in Switzerland but he has turkish passport. I am Swiss.
BengsBengs relax. Your husband has no reason to be disqualified because he lives in Switzerland or because he was born in Turkey. If his country of chargeability is Turkey and he has a Turkish passport then where is the problem???? I understand your situation - you're not believing that this is true - that is quite normal! All will be smooth and you and your husband will relocate back to the U. S. and get your lives together again!
Hello Noelle

I have to pass on this :( maybe someone else can help here?
My husband won it and he was born in Turkey and lives now in Switzerland but he has turkish passport. I am Swiss.
Even if you're Swiss that doesn't disqualify you for being his wife! Americans don't choose a spouse for you - you do!
BengsBengs relax. Your husband has no reason to be disqualified because he lives in Switzerland or because he was born in Turkey. If his country of chargeability is Turkey and he has a Turkish passport then where is the problem???? I understand your situation - you're not believing that this is true - that is quite normal! All will be smooth and you and your husband will relocate back to the U. S. and get your lives together again!
thanks thanks a lot! It is exactly like you said... you know it very well I think... I just still cannot believe it will be like that ... it is too nice to believe!!! But yes, I will relax... and think good things thanks to you a lot!
Hi Shihabmh & BengsBengs,

I just called KCC and verified whether my application is still valid. I am still waiting for their email reply as well. They informed me that it is still valid. Let's keep my finger crossed. Hope this will be a smooth transition.

Thanks for all the help.

Is your foreign State Chargeability Country same as your birth country? I am afraid my application would not be able to process because of the doubt of the eligibility issue.

I was born in country X but currently a citizen of country Y. I don't have the details of what I have filled out during my DV application and I am now confused. The notification letter states the foreign State Chargeability as country Y.

What country is X and Y? Claiming chargeability for a differnt country will most like result in a disqualification.
I have been selected for further processing.
case number: 2012AF00009***.
DSp 122 and DS-0230, 2 passports and barcode sent.

But my fear is that during registration, somebody helped me to fill the form and he made a mistake in my date of birth. What can I do to make the date correlate with dates on my documents. Pls advice. Thanks
What country is X and Y? Claiming chargeability for a differnt country will most like result in a disqualification.


Country X is the place where I was born and Country Y is where I grew up and where I hold my citizenship since 2006. Therefore, legally I have no relationship with Country X anymore since I have denounced that country's citizenship. Country Y does not allow dual citizenship.

According to the guidelines it might fall in disqualification but I am quite confused at that point of time when I made the application as well. I am still waiting for email reply from KCC and the embassy for confirmation. I don't want to get my hopes up and cancel the plans I have to do here just in case I am disqualified.
That are the rules for chargeability:
"Native of a country whose natives qualify: In most cases, this means the country in which you were born. However, there are two other ways you may be able to qualify. First, if you were born in a country whose natives are ineligible but your spouse was born in a country whose natives are eligible, you can claim your spouse’s country of birth—provided that both you and your spouse are on the selected entry, are issued visas, and enter the United States simultaneously. Second, if you were born in a country whose natives are ineligible, but neither of your parents was born there or resided there at the time of your birth, you may claim nativity in one of your parents’ countries of birth if it is a country whose natives qualify for the DV program."

Any chance you match one of the rules?
I think you are qualified if Country X is an eligible country of chargeability. Do you have a birth Cert from Country X? That is all it is needed. You are claiming the chargeability based on birth.


Country X is the place where I was born and Country Y is where I grew up and where I hold my citizenship since 2006. Therefore, legally I have no relationship with Country X anymore since I have denounced that country's citizenship. Country Y does not allow dual citizenship.

According to the guidelines it might fall in disqualification but I am quite confused at that point of time when I made the application as well. I am still waiting for email reply from KCC and the embassy for confirmation. I don't want to get my hopes up and cancel the plans I have to do here just in case I am disqualified.
A friend of mine whom I helped submit his DV 2009 entry got selected and as we were filling out the forms to send to KCC we both realized that he had given me an incorrect DoB for both of his children. We called KCC and they advised us that if we have any corrections to be made in any kind of information; put the correct information on the forms . . .He has been in Washington, D. C. since Feb 2010.
I have been selected for further processing.
case number: 2012AF00009***.
DSp 122 and DS-0230, 2 passports and barcode sent.

But my fear is that during registration, somebody helped me to fill the form and he made a mistake in my date of birth. What can I do to make the date correlate with dates on my documents. Pls advice. Thanks
I have the birth cert from Country X but however in the notification letter chargeability is Country Y. If my spouse was born in Country Y or my parents were born in Country Y, I would be eligible but looks like I am not since all of them were born in Country X.
I don't know if this rule can be applied in my case.

9 FAM 42.33 N4.3 Errors in Choice of Country of Chargeability
(CT:VISA-1478; 08-26-2010)
If the entrant chooses the wrong country of chargeability at the time of the initial entry, the error will generally be disqualifying. However, if a DV
U.S. Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual Volume 9 - Visas
9 FAM 42.33 Notes Page 4 of 11
applicant chooses a country of chargeability during DV registration that is within the same geographic region (one of the six) as the correct country of chargeability, and you determine that the applicant gained no benefit from his or her error, you may continue processing the application.
Would be easier if you have some real names for the country.

From your post I guess they are not within the same geographic region.
If you were born in Africa but now live in Europe and claimed a country in Europe as your place of birth then you will BE disqualified pronto. If however you were born in, let's say France but know live in Germany and have lived in Germany all your life and have very strong ties with that nation, you might be able to make the claim that you got confused when filing in the form, and they would generally be willing to process that Visa application. Don't expect to get anywhere if you participated in the lottery outside your region of birth though...this is grounds for disqualification 100% of the time.
Also I don't understand what is so difficult about the form. All those stupid mistakes. People this is a short form with your name, date of birth, COUNTRY of Birth (as it says country where you were born [[quite clear]]), etc.
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