Please evaluate my chances for NIW


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Hi all,
I would like to request for evaluation of my profile and give an opinion about the chances of getting GC under NIW category.

1. Education-PhD (from 2nd tier univ. from US)
2. Currently working as a research associate (1 yr experience) on a high priority disease area
3. Publication-First author-only one (last month)
4. 2nd author- 3 but all are coming this year
5. Conference presentation-6
6. Award-one univ. departmental award as a outstanding researcher
7. 3 travel grant award for presentation of the research
8 have got 3 small grants as a project co-investigator,

So please evaluate this case
In my honest opinion the chances are nil. do not think I am rude.
For NIW you have to fulfill all the three criteria.
you are your own judge. can you satisfy all the three?
* The foreign national’s work is in an area of substantial intrinsic merit;
* The proposed benefit of the foreign national’s work is national in scope; and
* The foreign national will serve the national interest to a substantially greater degree than would an available U.S. worker having the same minimum qualifications.

you do need at least couple of publications and good citations.
I would wait until you have 1- more 1st author publications and 2- enough people have cited your publications to show that you've had an impact in your field.

For NIW it's not enough to have personal achievement, but you also have to show that you've had significant impact in your field, i.e. others have used, benefited from, or cited your work extensively.
The folks who responded above me are correct. In my opinion the first two criteria are easy to satisfy. You can easily show that your work is both national in scope and in an area of substantial intrinsic merit. It is the third requirement that is hard to satisfy. There are two options:

1. You could wait until all the papers come out and for them to be cited. Usually citations for a paper are proportional to the number of months after that paper's publication date (well, for most papers anyway). You will have a better chance.

2. Or, if you don't care about the hassle of going through the application process (getting the recommendation letters and writing the cover letter are the rate determining steps) and don't mind the application fee, then I say go for it. Best case scenario would be an RFE. By that time, you would have better exposure (publications wise and citations wise) and so you can hope to sail through.

Good luck!
Best case scenario would be an RFE. By that time, you would have better exposure (publications wise and citations wise) and so you can hope to sail through.

No, the RFE will not save the applicant because the applicant must be qualified as of the original NIW application date. If the applicant provides new manuscripts that were published after the NIW application date, they won't count, and some officers have actually denied petitions based on the fact that the applicant was not qualified as of the application date despite good evidence brought forward afterwards.
Hairdressers get NIWs through all the time. Get a good attorney. If a good firm takes your case it means you are likely to succeed (they don't really like failures on their record). Medical research is usually quite successful with NIW.
Hairdressers get NIWs through all the time. Get a good attorney. If a good firm takes your case it means you are likely to succeed (they don't really like failures on their record). Medical research is usually quite successful with NIW.

Hairdressers, gardeners, cooks all used to get NIW in the past. Those were examples of system abuse. Because of those incidents, now they tightened the criteria for NIW. In fact they are now scrutinizing each and every application for NIW very carefully. You can still get the NIW but the chance of application denial has become much higher.
Yeah, there is definitively a ton of people applying who don't really qualify. But PhD and medical research sounds baseline plausible.
Currently I am working on a disease which is of top priority to the US human and animal because of its pandemic potential. If I collect a good amount of recommendation letters from top notch research scientists in this area then what are my chances??
search this forum for NIW RFE and most of the times they want documentary evidence for the claim.
Support letters are fine. but where is the documentary evidence? they want objective justification.
your publications and citations are the one they will look in to, on top of your reference letters.
you are not there yet. wait till you acquire some of them then the chances are more.
Your call

I agree with NSC agony and Llp1. NIW could be a good learning expedition. You might get lucky with good presentation, however, keep hopes low so that you are not disappointed. It may be nice if you could wait for stronger resume.

Chances for EB1 looks very slim because standards have become very strict now.

Compare risks and benefits and keep the learning attitude.
Thanks a lot guys for your help. But I have some questions.

1. My first question is if I apply for I-140 (NIW) and it gets denied then in future will it affect my re-application?
2. Once it is denied then is there some time limit that I have to wait for next filing?
I talked to a lawyer and he is ready to consult regarding filing (though he will not file for me) and reply for any RFE that I will get in future. I am willing to take the risk as I am not happy with my employer (vice versa). I have very limited freedom at work place and as you all people know the employer is trying to exploit as much as he can.
So I am in desperate condition to get out of this situation.

thanks again guys for helping me out.
1. No you can always reapply, and
2. There is no time limit. In fact, you can submit several petitions at once if you have the money. You can do NIW along with a regular PERM-based EB-2 if you wish.

Can you not look for another more favorable employer who is willing to sponsor you?
Do you mean that I can file two EB-2 (NIW) petitions at the same time to two different centers?
Do you mean that I can file two EB-2 (NIW) petitions at the same time to two different centers?

No, you can't file in the same category twice at the same time.

But you can file in different categories at the same time..i.e. you have made your mind to file EB-2(NIW). You can simultaneously (or at any time) file under EB-1A (self petition) as well as EB-1B (through employer).