Please Donate to the "Help Vishnu Mahadev See a Doctor Fund"


Registered Users (C)
It appears that Vishnu Mahadev has many
split personalities. He posts under Vishnu
Mahadev and Vishnu Mahade\'v telling people
to stop asking stupid question. Then he posts
under different names in support of himself
when other people tell him off.

Clearly, he needs to see a doctor.

I will start of my donating $10 to his
fund to see a well-respective doctor that
can cure him of his split personalities.

Please add your donation, boy does he need it.

Vishnu, please stop your antics that spoil
this great forum. There is no such thing
as a stupid question, only a stupid answer.
If you like these questions then why don\'t
you take it on yourself to write a great
We will only be helping Vishnu achieve his goals

Margie, I don\'t mean any disrespect to you. But, these kinds of messages will only help this nutty character get what he wants. All he wants is cheap popularity. Let us not give it to him. This guy is suffering from identity crisis and wants to bombard this forum with his cheap antics.
my $10 too

I hope vishnu mahadev\'s real name is actually vishnu mahadev

His associates around him must be really laughing at him for his stupid behaviour. I advise him to immediately stop doing what he is doing (posting messages in different names). People may not say anything to him upfront but are all laughing at him behind his back if they know him personally. Apart from that he has created a bad name for himself on this board and we do not like this at all.
I\'m in for $100

Not only do I find his postings highly insulting to newcomers to this forum (like myself), I also find some of his opinions
and analyses of human nature extremely juvenile.

e.g. "Why would someone making 100K or more lie on this forum?" (if only money could make a dishonest man honest....)

or if he did something to directly contradict his own previous postings and someone called him on it, he says,
"My boss doesn\'t pay me to browse this portal" (could\'ve fooled me).

However, instead of wishing him bad things, I pray that he gets his GC really fast and stop visiting this forum after that....
No Title

i support Vishnu for all his great work in putting approvals together and making lives easy..
all other talks do not matter as long he is being very helpful to others.
It is the deed that matter and not the words..
Sorry, Jony Lever, I disagree with you. Common decency demands that one not be rude to others...

Would it be ok if you helped your co-workers at work in solving problems but were rude and insulting to those who in your opinion had an inane question. I think not! Usually new comers in any field have questions that may seem to be very basic to folks who are relative long-timers. Its basic courtesy to understand that they are new and do not have the level of knowledge that experience bestows on the long-timer. If one does not want to help, fine, but don\'t be rude.
Being courteous has to be automatic, helping is dependant on each individual person. Just because one did something good does not give them the right to be rude and insulting. There are many others on this board who help others with their experiences and perspectives. But, I don\'t see them being rude and insulting to others just because the question asked is not relevant to them.
Look at rsrgc, PCee and ciba for example, ciba and PCee\'s work is priceless and rsrgc\'s analysis/advice is top notch. Have you ever seen them be rude to anyone. No, because they are nice and helpful folks at heart.
Please don\'t get carried away with a balance sheet. The rule of thumb is, don\'t do evil and try to do some good. Not, do some good and that gives you a right to do evil.
How many times have you seen him congratulate folks on their approval. Very few. We congratulate others on their approval to rejoice in their good luck and share in their moment of happiness. How would it feel if folks posted their approval and nobody replied. Others down the line will think that nobody cares and will not bother posting approvals. How much time does it take to post congratulations. I can understand if anonymous browsers who may not even have registered don\'t congratulate. But, I see regular posters do post congratulations. No, nobody is duty bound to congratulate others but then don\'t be rude to others either. It is a question of having a good nature and caring for others.
i remember a story

A lady was very rude and offensive. Her church priest once asked her to purchase a live chicken from the market and pluck the feathers off one by one on the route from the bazaar to the church and then talk to him. When the lady came to church the priest told her to go back and recover all the feathers. The lady replied that it was impossible to do so. The priest then said \'All your life you go through and insult people, it is never possible to go back and say that you r sorry.\'

The above story illustrates the importance of being very careful with your words. Words that once leave your mouth cannot be taken back.
I will totally agree with Dee Rod.

Thanks Dee Rod.

My only concern is that soon this site will be neglected by the "true Users" who will be deprived of all the valuable informations & advises.

Hope and pray that does not happen...

$10 more from my side

noticed some more antics - hence I have increased my contribution

I am expecting more different type antics from Vishnu
Dee Rod\'s theory about Quick2001 and Vishnu

Dee Rod had observed some time back that these two might be the same person.
Vishnu claimed that Quick2001 was his cubicle neighbor at work.

Man, I\'d love to know where these two work (if they are indeed two people).
I\'m sure their employer would also love to know about their postings on this site....