please comment this NIW recommendation letter


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Following is a letter written by one of my references. He worte it by himself. please comment it, so I will know if I need ask him to revise it or not.


Dear Sir,
I am writing to support a petition for Dr. (my full name) to obtain a National Interest waiver for Permanent Resident Status in the United States.

I am a Professor at the University of ###, and I have been responsible for diagnosis and management of rare metabolic diseases, including ### diseases, in the Northwest Region of the United States. I worked with Dr. Li when he was a graduate student at the University of ####.

Dr. Li has developed a method to detect #### diseases in newborn infants that has shown great that has great promise for becoming a ground-breaking tool for the early, life –saving detection of children born with these disorders.

Each year, the 4 million infants born in the United States are screened for genetic diseases by Newborn Screening Programs to detect disorders that are not immediately evident and that benefit from early diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Li has worked in developing the chemical assays to detect a rare group of disorders called ####s. Therapies are now available, or are being developed, for many of these disorders. The early detection of these children is important, before babies develop severe damage.

Dr. Li played a critical role in the development and design of the diagnostic method and demonstrated that the use of the new technology of tandem mass spectroscopy could be used successfully to detect several of the ####. This new testing method has received critical acclaim in the national scientific community and is currently being evaluated by the New York State Newborn Screening Program to see if it can be adapted to the screening of newborn for ### disease (one of the ###). We plan to adapt the method in the Northwest region of the United States as a filed trial for several other ### beginning next year.

Upon graduation, Dr. Li was immediately hired by XXX, a major biotechnology company that supplies instrumentation to newborn screening laboratories XXX was extremely interested in further developing the method so it could be approved by the food and drug administration (FDA), and with Dr. Li’s input, they obtained the first FDA-approved screening kit using the new methodology. Dr. Li’s current work at XXX includes the establishment of quality-control procedures, validation of the method in kits for different instrument, and the expansion of the methodology to a broader range of diseases.

It is clear that Dr. Li’s work will have a major impact on the health of newborn children in the United States. It is possible that the impact of this work will extend quickly beyond the United States, as laboratories in Germany and Australia are currently evaluating the method for their population of infants.

I believe that Dr. Li has made significant contributions that are in the United States’ national interest for the heath of its newborns and should receive serious consideration to be granted Permanent Resident Status within the United States.
lyjun99 said:
Following is a letter written by one of my references. He worte it by himself. please comment it, so I will know if I need ask him to revise it or not.


Dear Sir,
I am writing to support a petition for Dr. (my full name) to obtain a National Interest waiver for Permanent Resident Status in the United States.

I am a Professor at the University of ###, and I have been responsible for diagnosis and management of rare metabolic diseases, including ### diseases, in the Northwest Region of the United States. I worked with Dr. Li when he was a graduate student at the University of ####.

Dr. Li has developed a method to detect #### diseases in newborn infants that has shown great that has great promise for becoming a ground-breaking tool for the early, life –saving detection of children born with these disorders.

Each year, the 4 million infants born in the United States are screened for genetic diseases by Newborn Screening Programs to detect disorders that are not immediately evident and that benefit from early diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Li has worked in developing the chemical assays to detect a rare group of disorders called ####s. Therapies are now available, or are being developed, for many of these disorders. The early detection of these children is important, before babies develop severe damage.

Dr. Li played a critical role in the development and design of the diagnostic method and demonstrated that the use of the new technology of tandem mass spectroscopy could be used successfully to detect several of the ####. This new testing method has received critical acclaim in the national scientific community and is currently being evaluated by the New York State Newborn Screening Program to see if it can be adapted to the screening of newborn for ### disease (one of the ###). We plan to adapt the method in the Northwest region of the United States as a filed trial for several other ### beginning next year.

Upon graduation, Dr. Li was immediately hired by XXX, a major biotechnology company that supplies instrumentation to newborn screening laboratories XXX was extremely interested in further developing the method so it could be approved by the food and drug administration (FDA), and with Dr. Li’s input, they obtained the first FDA-approved screening kit using the new methodology. Dr. Li’s current work at XXX includes the establishment of quality-control procedures, validation of the method in kits for different instrument, and the expansion of the methodology to a broader range of diseases.

It is clear that Dr. Li’s work will have a major impact on the health of newborn children in the United States. It is possible that the impact of this work will extend quickly beyond the United States, as laboratories in Germany and Australia are currently evaluating the method for their population of infants.

I believe that Dr. Li has made significant contributions that are in the United States’ national interest for the heath of its newborns and should receive serious consideration to be granted Permanent Resident Status within the United States.

The main problem for me with this letter is that it is not from a independent scientists and so it is nice to have such a letter but to be honest more or less useless to strengthen your case for NIW. You need such letters (and the letter could also be written with stronger words, like outstanding etc. etc) but from completely independent top scientists with you and your former bosses from academia and industry and preferable also from countries all over the world.
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This is just my opinion but the letter:

1. is not from "outside Dr Li's sphere of influence" and as such has limited value.

2. Even if this were to be an indep. letter, its too weak in its wording

3. Too short. The letter-writer should use more detail in taking about the petitioners work and special qualities and how the work is in national interest.
well, two more things:

1. using "has contributed greatly to the U.S." instead of "will ....".
2. how about your work or postion if compare to your co-worker
darmasuden said:
well, two more things:

1. using "has contributed greatly to the U.S." instead of "will ....".
2. how about your work or postion if compare to your co-worker

Well, if the writer is indepdent, how does he / she know what role you played in your project?
It's very nice to include comments on "irreplacable, leading role...", but how to make it convincing and natural?
