Please assist


Registered Users (C)

my wife and I had our passports stamped in the second week of December at Newark. We are moving to a new address as of this week. How do we change our address so that the cards are mailed to our new address ? Also, will the post office forward our cards to our new address - I do know that there are certain kinds of mail that are not forwarded and would like to know if the Green Card envelopes fall in to that category or not.

Thanks for your assistance and here\'s to a fantastic 2002.

No Title

Yooper "Need Help for Change of Address and Plastic Card" 12/27/01 5:39pm

next time do your homework.
Same Story here...

We too got our passports stamped and have bought a new house. I had been to the local INS office today. They gave me a form called \'Inquiry about Status of I-551 Permanent Registration Card\' and asked to fill in the new mailing address and send it to Nebraska or whereever your I -485 was processed.....
dont trust address forwarding.

INS sends cards in normal mail. There is no way to know it is a Govt related by looking at it. So dont worry about not forwarding only certain mail., BUT be concerned about address forwarding in general.
They dont always work.
Inform the INS local office for the change of address.

Should you move from the previous address, you are required to inform the INS. They will not send the plastic card through mail forwarding. Thats what the officer told me when we went for passport stamping.
Address changed via telephone


thanks for your replies to my original query. As an update to this thread, I called the INS (Vermont) today and updated our new address over the telephone. As luck would have it, the officer mentioned that they received our I-89 forms just today - so my timing turned out to be (inadvertantly) impeccable. Per the officer\'s comment, I am awaiting the receipt of our cards in 30 to 60 days.

Thanks again, for your timely and informative responses.


My experience

I used my friend\'s home address for receiving the card when I got stamp. INS officer also said the card will be sent to that address. But 3months later the card still arrived at my home address and I was lucky still staying there.