please answer- question regarding stamping


Registered Users (C)
My 1485 was approved and got courtesy copies of my approvals.
The notice says that i need to go Miami to get my stamping. But i am closer to west palm beach. Will it be ok for me to go to west palm beach instead of miami ? or do i have to go to only miami.
Thanks in advance.

RD 3/2002
Ap : july9 2004.
You can try there, but it would be good if u follow so they don't have any reason to say why u are here when instructed to miami.....or they can say ur file is not here blah blah.....

so have fun at miami just check the previous thread for parking issue and address/directions. be there in early morning as many shared for quick number.

Good luck

my approval notices tell me to go to maimi. When i use the infopass it gives me appointments to West palm beach only.
As infopass gets INS offices depending on the your area code( which is the first thing they ask us to enter)
So got appointments to west palm beach for july 30. Lets see how it will go.
If they refuse i will have to go to maimi without an appointment... :rolleyes:
question about stamping

I made an appointment to get visa stamped at Dallas Service Center. My wife, daughter and me will go together. I'm not sure whether I need to make appointment for each of us seperately, or make only one in my name? Thanks and good luck.
Stamping Appointment

You need one for each. They are very picky about it. The security guard then the guy that gives you a number then the security guard at the check point......

We went today at the Dallas office, even though we had two appt (my wife and I) we were given one number. Once at the booth, the lady asked for the appt paper for each again....

I hope you are lucky and they will let you all in together. One remark, is they put the appt number on the card request.. why ? I have no clue.
Dear RS_N

I believe take appointment using infopass... go there they would solve this issue... because u have solid reason to be there..... and it was also starnge that they are sending u to miami....

Try it go there..... we all hope would see smile on ur face when u were leaving Palm Beah office after PP done.

Good Luck