Please advise what I should do in this situation


Registered Users (C)
I got below response from NSC when i inquiried my status,

"The processing of your case has been delayed. We are currently awaiting the results of required security checks on this case. If you do not receive a decision or other notice of action from us within 6 months of this letter, please contact us by calling our customer service number provided below."

so i wonder if there is anything productive that i can be doing at this point? rather than just waiting another 6 months passively? Will asking Senator be helpful now?

thanks for your advice!

how should i find out whether i am in name check or not? is there a mail template that asks senator to do so?
HAJIN said:
how should i find out whether i am in name check or not? is there a mail template that asks senator to do so?

Your senator or congressman should have a "Privacy Authorization Form" that legally allows them to make requests on your behalf after you sign it. This form has a place where you can describe what you want from them. In your case you may want to ask them to contact USCIS and FBI and check the status of your security check, things like when your namecheck, IBIS check etc. were initiated and what the exact status is.
Try to find that form on the senator/congressman webiste, download it, sign it and send/fax to their offices. Then, after a couple of days, give them a call and ask if they received your form.
Hope it helps.
HAJIN said:
I got below response from NSC when i inquiried my status,

"The processing of your case has been delayed. We are currently awaiting the results of required security checks on this case. If you do not receive a decision or other notice of action from us within 6 months of this letter, please contact us by calling our customer service number provided below."

so i wonder if there is anything productive that i can be doing at this point? rather than just waiting another 6 months passively? Will asking Senator be helpful now?

thanks for your advice!

When did you file your I-485? And then when did you contact them? Did you already do your FP?
Name check

Originally Posted by HAJIN
how should i find out whether i am in name check or not?

I remember reading it somewhere on this forum or forum, you could take infopass appointment, go to uscis service center and ask for the same, they would let you know if 'Name Check' has been initiated or cleared or whatever the status is ..... from your file.
braniand said:
When did you file your I-485? And then when did you contact them? Did you already do your FP?

my I-485 was filed at May, 2005. I did inquery in this September. FP was done in September, 2005.

You can contact the senator or take an info pass appointment and they will be able to verfiy the name check results.
