Please Advice


Registered Users (C)
I got my first two AD from VSC. My AD is expiring in 1st week of Oct,01. Since VSC is slow now and I haven\'t applied so far, What is best for me to apply at VSC or at Arlington, VA office (my Local INS office).

Any suggestion is highly appreciated.

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I guess U are referring to EAD. I doubt, U can apply at local INS center. The only time U are allowed to do this when your new/renewal application is pending with the INS Service Center (Vermont) for more than 90 days. This is just my guess, plz. consult your attorney for correct information.
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you shld start appl. at VSC 3-4 months before the expiry.
In case you won\'t get it with in 90 days you can goto local INS and they give you an EAD.
VSC takes 60-90 days according their AVM.
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You don\'t have to be depressed. Everything will be alright. U are running out of time. The application for EAD (form I-765) is very very easy to fill out. There is a short list of supporting documents. If U are able to mail this application by July 6,01 then U have a v good chance of receiving your renewed EAD. But don\'t be late. Make sure the application goes out by July 06th. U can download the form from INS main site i.e.
Hope this helps!