Only employer gives the EMPLOYEE the GC . BCIS checks the whole process.If an employee quits at whatever and the employer is ready to cooperate NOONE can stop it, especially after the I-140 stage.
During the whole process the employee CAN be in outside USA and Can just come to USA for gc stamping (the whole time no paychecks living the USA, just to stress my point).
Dont infer fictitious conditions when practicaly the employers looses the UTILITY of hiring CHEAP/EASY/CONVENIENT alien/foreign labor if your thoughts are true. The gc process is for the employers ability to hire CHEAP/EASY/CONVENIENT alien/foreign labor from in/outside USA . He can do and undo the gc process according to his needs and circumstances.He can hire an employee for the whole h1 term and still never do the PROPER documentation for the gc if he wants to.Quitting /staying is also upto his needs. After the gc approval he looses whatever ability he has over this gc process/approval and I doubt if he can revoke the gc.
What a life I have do anything go anywhere as and when I want.
During the whole process the employee CAN be in outside USA and Can just come to USA for gc stamping (the whole time no paychecks living the USA, just to stress my point).
Dont infer fictitious conditions when practicaly the employers looses the UTILITY of hiring CHEAP/EASY/CONVENIENT alien/foreign labor if your thoughts are true. The gc process is for the employers ability to hire CHEAP/EASY/CONVENIENT alien/foreign labor from in/outside USA . He can do and undo the gc process according to his needs and circumstances.He can hire an employee for the whole h1 term and still never do the PROPER documentation for the gc if he wants to.Quitting /staying is also upto his needs. After the gc approval he looses whatever ability he has over this gc process/approval and I doubt if he can revoke the gc.
What a life I have do anything go anywhere as and when I want.