Please advice SPouse recieved third FP when out of country


Registered Users (C)

My spouse recieved third FP when she was out of country and missed the appointment. She did her 2nd FP in november 2003. Can you please advice what we can do. My case has been approved 8 months back. Both of us applied together. Her case is still pending with an RD dec 20 2001.

Any help is appreciated

call CIS if 3rd FP is needed ,if yes then you need to get 3rd FP done as it may have happened that 2nd FP may not received clear that is why CIS may have issued 3rd FP notice. If you have missed appointment and it is not more than 30 days try by going for 3rd FP ,see if they can allow .Else you/attorney have to write CIS regarding reschedule 3rd FP