Please advice on my cleared labor.


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I resigned from contacting position on sept 8th 2005 and joined as a regular employee on Sept 12th 2005.

My current employer applied my labor on Feb 7th 206. While filing my labor (ETA From 9089) my layer specified my Date of join as Aug 2nd 2005 instead of Sept 12th 2005 and my labor got approved on Mar 7th 2005.

If I continue with this labor do I face any problems in future while filing my I140 and I485? What is the best procedure to approach is it safe to start from the labor again. If it is fine to continue from here what information should i provide in I140 the original or the info which is there on Labor.
I am facing a similar problem.

Lawyer put wrong state for my previous work experience on PERM appln. Although street address, city and zip code are all correct. Now this is not very similar to something what you would have mentioned in the section for work experience per the lawyer he thinks it can be corrected in I-140. Gosh I always thought I have to be the sacrificial case to test out new issues/problems. Now I have found you. Let us see what case is still in pending status and I did recieve the sponsorship email and confirmation email upon submitting the app. I guess these issues will either be rfe's in I-140 or in my case be questionable in PERM. I am going by faith....

smajeti said:
I resigned from contacting position on sept 8th 2005 and joined as a regular employee on Sept 12th 2005.

My current employer applied my labor on Feb 7th 206. While filing my labor (ETA From 9089) my layer specified my Date of join as Aug 2nd 2005 instead of Sept 12th 2005 and my labor got approved on Mar 7th 2005.

If I continue with this labor do I face any problems in future while filing my I140 and I485? What is the best procedure to approach is it safe to start from the labor again. If it is fine to continue from here what information should i provide in I140 the original or the info which is there on Labor.
smajeti said:
I resigned from contacting position on sept 8th 2005 and joined as a regular employee on Sept 12th 2005.

My current employer applied my labor on Feb 7th 206. While filing my labor (ETA From 9089) my layer specified my Date of join as Aug 2nd 2005 instead of Sept 12th 2005 and my labor got approved on Mar 7th 2005.

If I continue with this labor do I face any problems in future while filing my I140 and I485? What is the best procedure to approach is it safe to start from the labor again. If it is fine to continue from here what information should i provide in I140 the original or the info which is there on Labor.

in my opinion, you should refile your perm. You, your companies representative and lawyer all have to sign the certified perm saying that all information is correct. I would not feel comfortable doing this after knowing the fact that the info is not correct. It is not worth to gamble since it might affect at 140/485 stage.
Thanks for the info

Thanks for the valuable information. But i heard that we cannot have two perm labors at a time. I am not sure do i need to cancel my first one before filing second one or just wait until i get any query to cancel the first one.
My layer is saying that there won't be any problem with date mismatch but i am not comfortable with it.
As per my lawyer..and employer

As per my employer and lawyer...people always make I-140 stage you can point out the typo error and it should be ok. Atleast in my case the state information is so minor because street address, city and zip are all correct. We can tell INS that it was a geniune mistake but other stuff is ok. Documentation can be well. Infact in H1 extensions etc lot of mistakes happen..

I understand at I-140 stage the scrutiny is more but I feel the typo is not going to effect much experience letters are there...reference letters are there and we are also accepting the mistake so they should be fine. Regarding job position, location, salary we are not changing those at all. So it should not effect the hiring policies etc.

smajeti said:
Thanks for the valuable information. But i heard that we cannot have two perm labors at a time. I am not sure do i need to cancel my first one before filing second one or just wait until i get any query to cancel the first one.
My layer is saying that there won't be any problem with date mismatch but i am not comfortable with it.