Plea to all users...


Registered Users (C)
Please keep the subject/title of your messages short. All detailed discussion/instructions/questions can be added in the body of the message. This just improves the overall readability of the message board. Thanks, your cooperation will be much appreciated.
Habib: Nope

But a concerned patron wishing to improve the readability of this site. Is that wrong? BTW, why do you question my intent? Are you saying that you\'d rather be insensitive to other people\'s needs as long as your message gets posted loud and clear?? I hope not.
No Title

hey Before you try to improve REDABILITY on this website, I would cut short that freaking ugly name that you have choosen. NO EXCUSES !!!!
Website was down ! continuty and this and that. Just CUT IT OUT. That would definately improve redability.
Jawan: I fail to comprehend

how my name gets in the way of you reading the posts. Unlike the subject titles that occupy a vast majority of the screen space when one lists threads, the names don\'t show up until you click on a thread link.
Moreover, I\'m very amused at how you and some of the lesser mortals like you take offensive at such a plain and simple request. It goes on to show that you would rather wallow in the misery than opt to change for the better.
And, this is my final message on this thread. If some of you guys find it offensive and don\'t opt to follow etiquettes of message posting, then, fine, the rest of us will live with it. After all, we live with other scums on this planet anyway.
So cheers, all!
No Title

Again NO EXCUSES ! Yes It does. It is very irritating to see some foolish, thoughtless Name like that. Don\'t speak for rest of us. We know it ateast an inch better than you do. None of the 5000 people on this message board have choosen to be known as a some "FormerlywheremahGreen" does it mean anything ?

You need to learn some lesson here. Whenever you want your product, movie, business etc etc to go long ways or become famous, you need to choose a good name to attract attention, to attract people.

ANyway I have small request to change that name. Will you ? why not ? are u Scum ?


Enough said........