Plastic Tracker for Sept - Newark


Registered Users (C)
I got my pp stamped on 4rd September and havent received the plastic. Is someone on the same boat. Normally, I though it would come within a month. My AVM message using the I-485 receipt no is still the same
Same here. I got stamped on 9/18 at newark. AVM has not changed yet :)

Hope I did not get stuck in EVERY single step. lollllllll

wait continues
new jersey INS

NJ INS is so F***** u* that they are causing agony for all of us. Our petitions get delayed due to the lazy people who work in NJ INS. PA is seeing OCT approvals while we wait. why? because INS NJ is not ready to accomodate any more work. Guess, they need their long breaks. So, guys rest assured your Cards will be delayed. We are suffering because of INS NJ. You saw and what kind of people are working there. They don't know work but something else.....
Re: new jersey INS

Originally posted by paraj
NJ INS is so F***** u* that they are causing agony for all of us. Our petitions get delayed due to the lazy people who work in NJ INS. PA is seeing OCT approvals while we wait. why? because INS NJ is not ready to accomodate any more work. Guess, they need their long breaks. So, guys rest assured your Cards will be delayed. We are suffering because of INS NJ. You saw and what kind of people are working there. They don't know work but something else.....

It used to be good. The turnround time for card arrival has been 1-1.5 month for a long time. I am not confident on this kind of luck-oriented events at all, Aiman.........
AD - 9/3/02
PP stamped - 9/13/02
Card Ordered - 9/30/02
Card Recd - 10/7/02

Stamped in San Francisco, CA INS
my card is ordered

Ric 2 and all others, i checked in the morning with the old status and now checked online again. my and my wife's card has been ordered on 9th oct. i got stamped on 9/5/02.

all you guys for plastic card, check online now.
AD - 8/16
PP Stamp - 8/30
Cards ordered - 9/24
Cards recd - 9/30

Be patient. You'll get it soon. It is all based on when the local INS forwards your file to Vermont.

Best of luck.
Card ordered...

PD: Sept'2000
AD: 08/29/2002
PP Staming: 09/11/2002 (at Newark, NJ)
Card Ordered on 10/07/2002 (As per Online status)