Plastic Received


Registered Users (C)
Phew! finally it\'s all over!!

RD: 09/00
ND: 10/00
AD: 08/29/01
Passport Stamped: 09/06/01 @Hartford, CT
Cards Ordered: 10/03/01
Cards Received: 10/13/01
End of ordeal for me too...


I got your post asking me to keep you posted. Well I got my plastic card today too. Our dates from PD to 485 ND and AD and now plastic cards are awfully coinciding... I got my plastic card today as well for myself and my wife...

Wish you all the best pal....

how do you find out when card was ordered?

how do you find out when card was ordered?
We too received plastic card

EB 1, I-485 RD: 09/23/00, ND: 10/18/00, Approval date: 08/29/01
Passport stamped: 09/06/01, Cards ordered: 10/01/01,
cards received: 10/13/01

No Title

Hay Congrats man
Still waiting. Stamped on Sep 17th. Approved on Aug 31st.Waiting for cards.


congratulation Sunny, my passport got stamped on august 15 and i have not recieved my card so far and my AVM still not updated what could be the reason?
