Plastic Card

How long for Plastic Card at TSC

How long it takes for Plastic Card after stamping at TSC ? I got my passport stamped in October 01.
No Title

I stamped in Dec 14th 2001, I got my plastic card on Jan 14th 2002. I am also with TSC.
Some lucky, some not

Some people are lucky to get cards within one month, some people unlucky like me ain\'t get card after 8 months of PP stamp. Here is the news I copied from

Updated 01/17/2002: Green Card (Plastic Card) Production Processing Times

    * AILA teleconference with the NSC indicates that the INS has approximately 142,000 cards in the production queue nationwide. Currently, it takes approximately nine months from the date of I-485 approval. The NSC hopes to have the nine-month cut in half by the end of January 2002.
Where to Inquire?

I got my passport stamped in Atlanta.. It has been three months now. Should I inquire at TSC center or Atlanta INS center?

TSC Plastic Card Track

I have started a TSC track discussion in After Green Card group. Please post your information there and keep us informed.