Plastic Card Tracker..


Registered Users (C)
Hi Guys,
Lets us track the Plastic Card movement.

Passport Stamped : 8/13/02
Location : Hartford, CT
Plastic Card : No Info available

Please keep this thread alive.

Plastic card processsing

PP Stamped 8/23/02. Can anyone tell what is the process involed with plastic card creation. When you go for stamping does that local office forward the papers to the card making facility directly or do they send it to the service center first and then the service center sends them over to the card maker? In the second process, does the service center re-review the whole file or just checks whether the case was really approved or not ?

Anybody with good info about it plz share ?
woreq123, What I know is ...

when you go for stamping, officer takes finger print of index finger on the form, I think form is called I89. This form has to go back to service center to get the plastic card ordered. The local INS offices takes their own time in returning these I89 form to service centers, that is why you see some people in same service center receive cards faster. Once the service center receive this form, cards are ordered for printing. cards get mailed to you from the place where they are printed.
mi2 have you done stamping at Detroit?

I did PP stamping at Detroit on June 3rd 02 and still waiting for the card. My service center is VSC
still waiting...

My NSC case was approved and PP stamped in chicago in 12/2001, still waiting for plastic cards....
what is validity of the Plastic card

plastic card also do we have to renew every year or for how many years will it valid


Could you be able to start the plastic card also in your
It could help the guys who stamped already some relief in planning on moving homes, apartments.

requirements for renewal

Hello guys:

what we need when we go for PP stamping renewal after a year ? Just we need totake the PP or employer letter also required ?

PLease post your experience.
just call ins and request for plastic card, you no need to wait for them, so many people called them got the plastic card in week time after stamping on their passports

What do you mean call INS and requests them?
Everyone getting the passport stamped for I-485 is requesting them in writing........
Also you are mentioning that so many people got their cards by calling INS.
which service center? calling local INS where passport stamped or service center.
If the posting is legitimate please give details.


Please post your experience.

when you go for passport stamping renewal......what are the documents are required ?