Plastic Card Tracker...Stamped location, date, VSC, waiting...


Registered Users (C)

  I remember there was a plastic card tracker in this website before. I cannot find it now. Let\'s start a new thread to track it. Thanks.

Roger1234 - Dallas, 02/11/02, VSC, waiting
Waiting list for plastic card from VSC

Here is the list of the people so far:

Name Location Date Center Status

Roger1234 Dallas 02/11/02 VSC Waiting
Dex65 Providence 01/30/02 VSC Waiting
485_VSC ??? 01/30/02 VSC Waiting
vscnd042000 OKC 12/18/01 VSC Waiting
4852000 ??? 01/31/02 VSC Waiting
jjx nyc 01/25/02 VSC Waiting
peter3 Providence 01/28/02 VSC Waiting
Lu Cai Chicago 02/19/02 VSC Waiting
Updated list for Plastic card waiter

Here is the updated list, please update the list if you got your card.

Name Location Date Center Status

Roger1234 Dallas 02/11/02 VSC Waiting
Dex65 Providence 01/30/02 VSC Waiting
485_VSC ??? 01/30/02 VSC Waiting
vscnd042000 OKC 12/18/01 VSC Waiting
4852000 ??? 01/31/02 VSC Waiting
jjx nyc 01/25/02 VSC Waiting
peter3 Providence 01/28/02 VSC Waiting
Lu Cai Chicago 02/19/02 VSC Waiting
JayaBhadudi NYC 02/08/02 VSC Waiting
Nashg Cincinnati 12/21/01 VSC Waiting
Cowboy San Antonio 02/08/02 VSC Waiting
PP Stamped on 2/20/02 at Sacramento, CA INS

PD 3/28/00
RD 3/8/01
ND 3/13/01
FP 8/9/01
AD 2/7/02
Approval Notice received: 2/15/02
PP Stamping Date: 2/20/02
Waiting for cards.